Auradon Broadcast

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Cinderella and Prince Charming were contacted, and they got to Auradon Prep as quick as they could, just to see their son in handcuffs getting shoved into a police car. They went over to Beast and Belle, who were standing with their children, plus Audrey, Carlos, and Mal. Mal was still crying, and Jay had his arms around her protectively. "What's going on? Why is Chad in a police car?" Cinderella asked. "He has been caught in two different cases of assaulting minors." Beast said. "What do you mean by assaulting?" Prince Charming asked as Cinderella griped his forearm for comfort. "He has raped Audrey once, and Mal 60 times, once without protection, getting her pregnant." Belle said to the couple.

At first hearing it, Cinderella and Prince Charming couldn't believe it. On the third or fourth time hearing it, Mal started crying heavily again. Cinderella looked at the girl, and her heart broke. Her son had caused this girl to be in so much pain. "Why would Chad do something like this?" Cinderella asked. "Excuse me, but I think I can answer this one." Evie said. "Go ahead Evie." Belle said. "When Carlos and Mal were brought over to Auradon, I was dating Chad. When I was 13, I was dating Carlos. Here in Auradon, I remembered my past, and I wanted to date Carlos, and I broke up with Chad, as nice as I could. When we found Mal trying to commit suicide because of what had happened with Chad, she told us everything. Chad did this because he was mad at me for breaking up with him. I had no idea what was happening. Mal is like my sister, I would never intentionally hurt her." Evie said and Cinderella nodded at the blue haired princess.

Jay curled Mal into his chest, and tightened his grip on her more. "I shouldn't be saying this, but what Chad did pisses me off. If this had still been going on, who knows what I would've done to him." Jay said with anger. "How come none of you knew anything about this?" Prince Charming asked. "She was isolating herself from everyone. We could never find her, and when we could, she would always run away, or not talk to us. We couldn't find anything that was pointing this out, until we followed Mal to the Enchanted Lake." Evie said. "I'm sorry Audrey, Mal, for what my son has done. It probably won't be enough, but I apologize for what my son has done to you." Cinderella said and Audrey nodded. Mal didn't respond and Jay nudged her a bit. She still didn't respond, so Jay told Cinderella and Prince Charming that she was still hesitant. They understood, and Beast said it was time to have a conference with Auradon.

Beast and Belle sat in their designated chairs, along with Ben, Jay, and Evie, sitting in that order. Carlos, Audrey, and Mal were sitting off to the side, close enough to the Royal Family, but far enough away to not be on camera. The Royal Family explained what had happened, and Jay tried to keep calm. His fingers were digging into his throne based chair the entire time his mom and dad were speaking. He tried so hard not to be angry, but he failed. Evie and Ben noticed, and Evie put her hand on Jay's hand to try and get him to calm down. He calmed down a little bit, but as soon as the conversation was picked up again, his fingers starting digging into the wood again. Everyone watching their TV's noticed this, and they wondered why Jay was doing this. 

When Belle revealed that Mal was Jay's long time girlfriend, everyone understood why he was so angry. They didn't think it was rash of him to be angry, in fact most everyone thought it was sweet that he cared about Mal so much that he was that angry for this to happen. When the broadcast ended, Jay almost burst out of his seat. "Come back here Jay." Beast said as Jay tried to leave. Jay stopped and turned around. "Why has this got you so angry?" "Mal's my girlfriend, my even longer best friend. Dad, I've known her since she was born, and I feel like I've failed her. I used to know everything, even when she was hiding it. It's gotten me so angry, because I feel like I should've known about this sooner, without being told about it. That's what a prince is supposed to do. Know about events before they're broadcasted to Auradon. I've failed Mal and myself." Jay said turning back around and leaving. Mal watched him go, and she slid out the door to follow him without anyone noticing.

Mal followed him back to his bedroom, and she snuck in behind him before he shut the door. When he came back out of the bathroom, she came into the light. "Mal?" He asked. Mal didn't say anything, as she just went towards him and hugged him. "You didn't fail me." She said. "Yes I did Mal. I used to know everything even before you made it a secret." "I don't care. You didn't fail me. We've been apart for three years, and that's what did it. Not being able to see each other, is what makes distance, and broken relationships possible. I'm thankful you didn't break your promise." Mal said. "Me too." Jay said hugging his girlfriend.

That night, Mal slept in Jay's bed, next to him, Carlos in Evie's bed, and Audrey in Ben's bed, so all three girls were protected. For one night, Mal and Carlos didn't awake in the middle of the night with nightmares. The next morning, Mal was given help to get rid of the unwanted baby from Chad, and then, the Royal Family met again, to discuss what was to happen in the future for all of them.

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