Shyness and Hugs (jikook)

Start from the beginning

"Oh no hyung not the cookie jar," says Jimin. "The cookies are way too yummy to be wasted."

Hoseok gave a proud grin the younger's way. "That's why hyung saved the day. You should be thanking me."

Jimin just giggles but says "thank you" all the same. Then he shares a look with Jungkook and he offers a sweet smile his way. Jungkook immediately blushes and looks away, hiding behind the closest hyung to his age. Taehyung was nice enough to ignore and act like nothing unusual happened. Though he was sure to ask.

They ate in a small restaurant and greeted a few fans who were polite and courteous, shaking hands and sharing short conversations. After a few pictures they left and the boys were left to enjoy, Hoseok fooling around with the chopsticks and Jimin laughing and recording his silly hyung. Seokjin had to reprimand him a few times but realized it wasn't working so he chatted with the maknae, sharing laughs and stories here and there. Taehyung was having a conversation about music to Namjoon and Yoongi, and after more waiting the food arrived.

As they reached the dorm almost everyone went to their respective rooms. Jungkook was having a room alone and Taehyung was roommies with Namjoon but since it was still pretty early he decided to start his mission. Operation Find Out What Jungkook Is Hiding And Get To The Bottom Of This. Or basically just OFOWJIHAGTTBOT. Or simply Operation Get The Truth Out Of Jungkook or just OGTTOOJ. Agh he'll work on the title later.

As he was about to travel toward the maknae's room, he was stopped by Hobi. Seeing him made something in his mind click. Oh right: he was supposed to watch 'Hero Academia' with him tonight. Ah well. His mission can wait for a night so he decides to sling his arms around the older's neck, letting him drag his feet toward his and Jimin's room. His best friend was actually about to sleep, but since he has always been kind of a light sleeper he realized he wouldn't be able to sleep at all with the two fanboying over the anime, so he grabbed his pillow and said goodnight, venturing to go to Taehyung's room with the leader.

The next evening was pretty free and Seokjin was feeling up for cooking a meal so they stayed home tonight. The second maknae checked the time and saw it's still pretty early so he decided to do his self-assigned mission. So he barged in the room to find the maknae with a hand on his heart, eyes wide. "Hyung what the hell! Knock and ask permission don't just-"

He merely ignored him and plopped down on the bed, making the mattress wobble at the ungraceful landing. Jungkook bounced a bit with an irritated scowl dancing on his lips. "Ah Kookie I'm older than you so you should respect me! I was born first in Daegu two years earlier."

The maknae rolled his eyes, not finding a response with words. "Yeah but you act like you're younger than me."

"Don't state the obvious Kookie." He rolled over on his side to face the younger, who stared back. "So what's up with you and Jimin? Are you avoiding him or something?"

The youngest's eyes widen a bit before returning to its original size. "Well no."

"Then what was with his smile and you hiding behind me?" he asked. "Kinda weird but I didn't point it out since I knew you were embarrassed. The moment of truth has come and I will not leave this room without an answer."

Jungkook sighed through his mouth. There's nothing wrong to be honest. It's just that he feels uncomfortable lately with his smallest hyung and he doesn't know why. He gets flustered when he smiles his way, and he refuses any hugs given to him, often shaking his shoulders to shrug off the arms. He tries to ignore the hurt looks and pouts that appears on his hyung's face after that. For Taehyung-hyung to actually notice right away, it was like a miracle in and of itself. But should he tell him even if nothing's wrong? Or that's what he would like to think?

"Can I even trust you?" The look of hurt and offense on the other's face was evident and Jungkook felt kinda bad for even questioning his trust.

"I'd never spill a deep secret. I keep it with me to the grave. Jungkookie, you can trust me with anything." He could clearly see the seriousness in those eyes.

Jungkook hesitates a bit before spilling bit by bit. "I feel something weird whenever Jiminnie-hyung's close to me. Lately I can't look at him straight and I tend to avoid him though there's nothing wrong. I refuse his affections and I know it hurts him. It hurts me too but my body just reacts. I don't even tell him anything but I can feel he's a bit sad. And it hurts to know I'm the reason."

The older hums in thought. "Why do you avoid him?"

He shrugs. "I really don't know. And I'm sorry too hyung I know you're trying to help me but I can't even understand myself."

"I'll just help you in any way I can Kook. That's all I can promise you." He held the younger's hands. He took comfort in the small smile that emerged in the younger's lips. "Kook we can solve this if you tell me everything. And all the while I promise I won't tell a soul."

Jungkook took a breath. "I don't know what to say to him. I avoid him because I don't know how to react to him. There's this hotness in my cheeks and he's been showering me with so much attention and care that even when I'm being subtle about it he's the first one to notice and be by my side."

The other stays quiet and comes to a conclusion. "Maybe it's because you're shy and flustered. But Jungkookie you should know by now that Jimin's just really a touchy-feely guy and he's kinda like Olaf."

Jungkook's look of confusion doesn't pass his eyes and he grins. "Uh... the 'I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs' snowman in 'Frozen'?"

"Yes I am aware hyung. It's just- you're so random."

"Well what else am I gonna use as reference?" he argued. Jungkook shrugged. "Whatever. But please understand what I'm trying to say."

"Yes I get your point hyung. So you think it's just that?"

"Yeah because well, you're the shy kid and Minnie's the open and warm type and it's kinda in his system to hug and just be affectionate. I guess you just got overwhelmed and the only response you had was to stay away from him, thus making my best friend sad."

Jungkook spared the other a glance as he thought about the answer he received. Well it actually makes sense. Maybe he got flustered with all the attention that he didn't know what to do and so being the shy and introvert boy he was, he could only stay away. Now he realized it was such a mistake. He made him sad because of his stupid unconscious decision. He looked at the older, who was expectantly looking at him. "I'm gonna apologize."

The next day he sought out his hyung who was by the table in his and Hobi's room. "Hyung?" Jimin looked a bit surprised but was still kind enough to let him in.

"Kookie. This is a surprise. What brings you here?" He resumed writing in the notebook.

Before he lost all nerve he blurted out "I'm sorry." At that the older turned to him with a confused look. "F- for ignoring you when you just wanted to hug and cuddle me. I j-just got flustered and didn't know what to do so I resorted to avoiding you. Now I realized it was such a stupid decision when I should've just talked to you."

While he spoke Jimin's mouth was slightly open into a small 'O' and when he finished he saw a small smile appear on the older's face. He stood to wrap Jungkook in his embrace, and this time he didn't try and squirm away. Instead he reveled in his hyung's warmth, letting his love wash over him.

"I'm sorry too Kook for not even explaining my clinginess so far. I guess it's partly my fault that I drove you away from me." He emitted a nervous giggle. "Next time I'll try to tell you what I'm going to do, so I won't startle you."

"But I prefer spontaneous," he blurted out once more. Both their eyes widened. Jungkook wanted to run out of there and maybe go back to Busan.

Jimin just smiled softly. "Really? Well then I'll keep that in mind." He winked. "Oh by the way, in case you weren't aware, Tae and the others were recording us."

The maknae whipped his head to find four cameras and three heads which immediately disappeared once he turned. Jungkook felt his blood boil at the hyung responsible for the snooping of the others. "HYUNGS!"

Taehyung made a head start and was out the dorm before Jungkook could catch him. Jimin just laughed and gave the maknae a hug, Jungkook surprising himself with the revelation that he wasn't bothered one bit. He smiled inwardly to himself.

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