ch. 1

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" Cassadee, Connor let's go!" My dad said. Connor is my twin brother. He's older than me by two minutes. He is the best brother I could ever ask for. He is very protective of me and he always has my back. He's my best friend.

"Coming!" Connor said to my Dad. We are getting ready to go to the city walk in LA. We came down to LA for a family vacation.

Connor and I met up with our parents at the door. We walked to the elevator and then headed down to the lobby.

"What do you wanna do when we get there?" Connor asked.

"I don't know, let's walk around and see what there is." I said.

"OK." Connor said.

"When we get there, mom and I are gonna go out on a date." My dad said.

"OK." I said.

"We will probably be gone for a few hours or longer." My mom explained.

"Connor if we don't meet up with you by five head back to the hotel." My dad said.

"OK, we will." my brother said. We walked off of the elevator and waited for the shuttle. As we were waiting for the shuttle I listened to my music. I listened to my R5 music. I had the Ready, Set, Rock Ep, Loud EP, and the Louder album. Connor tapped my shoulder and I looked up. The shuttle was here so we got in. Connor sat next to me and I played my music again. I was listening to Wishing I was 23 when I got a text.


Cassadee, I'm bored.


Bro that's not my problem! Haha.


What are you thinking about?


Why do you wanna know?


Is it R5?


how'd you know?


Cause I'm you're twin!!!! No but really, because you're my best friend.


is it that clear?


For me yeah, I wonder why dad said if the don't meet up with us by five head back to the hotel?

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