Can't Change A Thug: Heart to Hustle

Start from the beginning

"I find you very attractive too Kali it's just i don't know. I've been in a relationship before and she fucked me up I have bad trust issues. I don't wanna hurt you your a beautiful young woman. I don't wanna be the reason you don't ever wanna love again" I tell her pouring out my heart.

"I feel like your hiding something. what is it I know we don't know eachother that much but I feel like we click together do you?" I stare at her for a girl is real she will tell you how she feel in a minute and I love that. especially the way she handled Ciara man that was sexy.

"I dated a girl named Lisa when I was in high school.we rocked together for like two years. I knew about the rumors I just wanted to ignore them. then one day I walked in on her and my workers from the trap I broke up with her after. that pissed me off so damn bad I didn't talk to no one I shut everyone out for like a month. when I did finally start getting back to my old self hanging out like a teenager suppose to do she hit me with that 'I'm pregnant' shit. I had my doubts because the way she was sleeping around. but when JJ was born there was no way he couldn't be mines. she then turnt on me with old boy I caught her sleeping with they wanted to knock me off my hustle. ever since then only time I talk to her is pertaining with JJ."

"I'm sorry. I would never do that to you I'm not her" she says laying on top of my chest.

"I know baby girl just give me some time okay."

"okay I didn't come off like a hoe did I?" she said looking up at me. I laughed.

"No not at all I love when a woman speaks her mind"

"well get use to it papa"

"don't call me that then imma have to do some things to you"

"well maybe I want to do some things to you too" she says. I got hard instantly.

"No no no stop you not ready for daddy yet calm down."

"whatever. what hustle you talking about what's a trap?"

"I knew this was gonna come up. ok imma tell you straight after one question"

"alright ask me."

"when you said your dad was Eric Thomas was he in the game?"



"what why you say that you know something"

"i know your dad. he was like a father figure to Me too.he's the reason I have all of the cars and this house. he taught me everything I know about the game. when they told me what happened to him I shut down again for the second time in my life. I didn't get to say goodbye to him, but it was like he knew he was gonna die soon he told me that if something happens to him too take care of his family and to take over the streets. but he never got to tell me about his family he died the following week." I said with my head down.I feel as if he death was my fault.

"he never mixed family and business" we both said at the same time.

"I know I feel like his death was my fault.I had a football game that day the same day we was suppose to make a drop. he insisted on me playing that night. even though I was the youngest he trusted me the most I was 15 and his right man everywhere he went I went I was like his little shadow. he was the only father figure I had my dad walking out in my mom years ago."

"I'm so sorry to hear that but don't blame yourself. it was meant to be.that's what I always say to myself. do you know what they did with his body?"

"naw after my 3 months of mourning I went after the men who killed him. I killed them. they said they got rid of the body but didn't say where. I'm sorry I tried." I couldn't take it no more I busted out in tears. I haven't cried since I found out about his death 6 years ago. No one has ever seen me cry before but I feel like I can turn to her.

Kali's POV

he broke down in my arms. shit I cried too my emotional ass. the fact that he shared that with me made my heart melt. I held him and rocked us back and forth until he calmed down.

"I'm sorry about that." he said

"don't be. you don't have to be big and bad all the can tell me anything."

"Thank you Kali."

he kissed me. he kissed me. he kissed me on the lips the second time today. I never felt so much rush in my life before. when our lips touched it was like we were meant to be. we made out for like 5 minutes.

Jerome's POV

I couldn't help it no more I kissed her I had to have her. I never vented to someone ever I'm my mother never cared, dad wasn't there, and Lisa just wanted to be known to be dating Eric Thomas right hand man. something about Kali pulls me in I want to be her's Just that I wanna do right by her. No hoes, no secrets, and out of the game.

I took her out for her birthday.I took her to Chops Lobster Bar one of Atlanta's 5 star resturants and Kali's new favorite. I made that beautiful smile appear on her face all night. we spent the night enjoying eachothers company. my phone started ringing while me and Kali was entering the movie theater Riko was calling me.

"aye man where you at we waiting on you at the club!"

"oh man I forgot sorry I'm sending the day with my baby girl" I say giving Kali a kiss on her pink plush lips.

"you got a daughter! I though JJ was a boy." this nigga stupid.I forgot I didn't tell them about Kali.

"No man my girl it's her birthday today we spent the day imma have to miss out tonight. aye I gotta go buy the tickets I'll holla at you later alright"

"alright nigga we gotta talk about JJ man I swear that was a little boy.well alright bye." he hung up. I'm not even gonna explain it imma let him figure it out in his own. after the movie we went home and showered together. I was so damn excited but imma wait until she ready. we went to sleep in Our bed holding eachother again.



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