| Chapter 35, Fallen Angel

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|A fallen angel, in the dark
Never thought you'd fall so far
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight

|Song: Fallen Angel, Three Days Grace


Dawn's P.O.V.

For a couple of seconds it was dead silence. We all stood here, staring, angry and defeated.
Suddenly Lisa let out a frustrated scream. She started screaming the most unforgivable ways to kill Teresa. Minho tried to calm her down but she pushed him away. The Gladers watched her in fear.
I sighed, guilt filling my stomach. I walked forward and put my hand on her shoulder.
She stopped screaming and I gave her a tight hug. She whispered in my ear, her voice soft and fragile. 'He told me he trusted me. He's not afraid of what I might do. And now I've already failed him.'
I stroke her hair, looking over her shoulder at Minho. His face told me he heard her words. 'It's okay, we're going to get him back,' I whispered, but knew those were only empty words.

'Girls, we need a plan,' Jorge said.
We let go of each other and I nodded. 'What do we do?' I asked, looking at both Jorge and Minho.
The two shared a quick glare before Minho said: 'We follow them. There are three days left to get to Wicked. And we'll get him back from those klunk girls before that.'
I smiled, and this was why Minho was our leader.
Jorge nodded. 'Let's do it.'

And so we started walking. Lisa had calmed down but her face was a mask of pure anger. There was no telling what she would do if she got her hands on Teresa.
For me, though, it was clear. She was dead. That girl was dead for me. I wasn't going to kill her, that was below me. But I was never, ever, going to talk, listen or even look at her again. She wasn't worth it.
We walked the whole night in silence. The anger and defeat lingered in the air but no one was willing to openly speak about it. It wasn't until the sun came up that someone spoke again. 'We should take some rest and travel on later,' Minho said.
No one protested. We found shadow in the mountains and tried to sleep. Newt had first watch and just when I was about to find a spot to sleep as well he took me by the hand and shook his head at me.
A small frown appeared on my face but I didn't ask any quesions as I followed him.

We sat down on a huge rock, a bit away from the group.
Curiousity as to why he wanted me here was filling me up but I kept my mouth shut, feeling he was struggling with something.
The sun climbed higher in the sky and I was very grateful for the shadow the mountain behind me provided.
When most of the Gladers had fallen asleep, which didn't take very long, I finally dared to ask Newt what I was doing here.
Turning to him I was ready to open my mouth but he was faster, taking me off guard.

'I'm sorry you can't get any sleep but I had to talk to you,' he said, his voice so serious that I could only nod.
'You've told all your secrets to me, and I don't want there to be any secrets between us so I want to tell you mine.'
I raised my eyebrows at him, my heart beat speeding up. 'What do you mean?'

Taking a deep breath he started talking, never taking his eyes off the horizen. 'Did I ever tell you about, when I broke my leg?'
A nervous feeling settled in my stomach, making me feel slightly sick. 'No,' I whispered, barely hearable.

'It was way back in the Maze,' Newt started. 'I had just come up in the Box, like all the other guys. Didn't know where I was, didn't know who I was. You know?'
I slowly nodded. I would never be able to forget the empty feeling, as if I was drowing without being able to remember how I got into the water. It had been horrible.
'And even though all my memories were gone, I could still feel that something was missing,' Newt went on, his voice strangely far away. 'It felt empty. And I just couldn't have that, I couldn't take it.'
I reached out and took his hand.
He immediately held it in a tight grip but his eyes were still looking forwards. Maybe he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to go on if he looked at me.

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