| Chapter 11, Sisters

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|Can't sit around hiding all my scars, let them all show

|Do I ever, Kensington


Lisa's P.O.V.

Although it was dark, it wasn't less hot. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around my waist. Now that the sun was gone so was the chance of my arms getting burned.
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. We had left Wicked behind and yet I felt as if their eyes were on me all the time. I felt like a walking bomb, ready to go off any second. As I looked around at all the Gladers, all the people I could hurt, I wondered if staying with them really had been the best choice.

Suddenly the silence of the night was broken by a scream. A girl was screaming somewhere in the distance. First I didn't know if it was real or not. I mean I had voices in my head who told me to kill people. But when the others looked around, confused as well, I relaxed a bit more.
Soon we all quit running. Once everyone had caught their breath it was easier to hear the sound. It was almost like a cat, an injured, wailing cat. The kind of noise that made your skin crawl and press your hands to your ears and wish it went away. There was something unnatural about it, and it made goosebumps cover my arms.
I looked around and saw Dawn her face getting more white with the second. Or maybe it was just the moonlight. Her eyes found mine staring at her and she gave me a reassuring smile. Which I knew didn't mean much.
'You know what that reminds me of?' Minho asked, making me turn around. I frowned when I saw the hint of fear on his face. As far as I knew he was never afraid. Or at least, he didn't show it.
'Ben. Alby. Dawn. Me, I guess? Screaming after the Griever sting?' Thomas answered.
'You got it.'
'No, no, no,' Frypan moaned. 'Don't tell me we're gonna have those suckers out here too. I can't take that.'
'Doubt it. Remember how moist and gooey their skin was? They'd turn into a big dust ball if they rolled around in this stuff,' Newt responded.
'Newt's right,' Dawn whispered.
I took a deep breath and turned toward the city. 'I don't like this place,' I said, clenching my hands. 'I don't like it at all.'
We were all silence for a couple of minutes, staring at the city in the distance and listening to the screaming.
'I think we should take a break,' Minho said. 'Fill our little tummies and drink up. Then we should book it for as long as we can stand it while the sun is still down. Maybe get an hour sleep before dawn.'
'And the psycho screaming lady out there?' Frypan asked.
'Sounds like she's plenty busy with her own troubles,' Minho answered.
Somehow everyone calmed down by hearing that answer and we all sat down.

I sat down a bit away from the group. Creating distance seemed like the best option for me at the moment. Suddenly someone came sitting next to me. I looked up and saw Dawn smiling at me.
I smiled back. 'Hey.'
'How, ehm are you doing?'
I smirked, but it was without happiness. 'My urge to kill is still gone if that's what you mean.'
She grinned, put up her legs and hugged them. She rested her chin on her knees and stared with a frown in the distance. I took a deep breath and started to braid my hair.

Suddenly Dawn broke the silence between us and when she spoke there was something in her voice that put me on edge.
'Mmm?' I looked at Dawn and frowned. 'What is it?'
She took a deep breath. 'You know I told you about my memories returning, right?'
I nodded slowly, not understanding what she was trying to say.
'Well, I remember,' she cut herself off, playing with her hair while staring in the distance.
'You don't have to tell me if you don't want to,' I whispered.
She shook her head, turning her gaze to me. 'No, I want to.' Taking a deep breath the turned to me, folding her hands in her lap. 'Do you remember anything about your family? Anything at all?'
I stared at her for a second, still very confused, before opening my mouth and speaking slowly. 'No, not really. I mean they must've hated me, I mean how else would I end up with Wicked. Why?'
Dawn sighed and rubbed her eyes. 'Well, when I was taken by Janson he told me something. And I wouldn't have believed it if he didn't gave me back some of my memories right after that.'
I stared curiously at her. 'Go on.'
She took a deep breath. 'He told me who my parents were, well who my father was. And...my sister.'
My eyes widened. 'You have a sister? And you remember them?'
Dawn looked at me, the stars reflecting in her eyes. 'He told me that,' she bit her lip. 'You're my sister.'

The Memoriam Files: Minds [EDITING] ✔Where stories live. Discover now