| Chapter 19, Seperated

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|The secret side of me, I never let you see

|Song: Monster, Skillet


Dawn's P.O.V.

A crash came from down the hall, making me jump up and drop my can. The sound was horribly loud, the ground and the building cracked. Fog settled in the dark space.

'Lisa!' I screamed.

'Hurry this way!' Jorge yelled from behind me.

'No! Thomas and Lisa are back there!' I screamed back, fear rising in my chest.

Suddenly huge massive rocks started to fall down from the ceiling, shaking the ground as they made impact with the floor.

'Dawn, come on!' Newt screamed.

I didn't answer him and started to move forwards. Dust settled in my hair and I started coughing but still I kept going, pushing away stones. With only thought burning in the back of my mind. I had to get to Lisa.

Then someone took me by the hand and pulled me away from the falling rocks. I screamed but the person pulled me along, taking me up a few stairs, right back into the sunlight.

I squinted, shielding my eyes with my arm. I then noticed it was Minho who came back and pulled me along. 'Let me go!' I yelled.

'Why?' He yelled back, his voice frustraded. 'Do you want to get yourself shucking killed?'

'Lisa and Thomas were back there! You idiot!' I yelled even louder.

Minho stopped running, making me stumble. He turned back to me, his face pale. 'What?' He whispered.

I didn't reply just stared at him. For a tiny second I thought he was going to run back into the tunnel.

'Guys come on!' Jorge said.

The moment was over, he shook his head, took my arm in a firm grip and pulled me with him.

I bit my lip and threw a look over my shoulder. Dust was rising out of the entrance towards the underground. Going back there would probably get me killed, my mind knew it but it was as if my body refused to listen.

Lisa and Thomas were back there, I couldn't just run away!

But Minho's grip was too strong and we were inside another building before I could free myself.

My eyes finally adjusted to the light and I could see our surroundings. We had ran up some stairs, into an alley and inside a building. 'We have to go back,' I said, my voice firm.

'No we can't!' Jorge replied, an angry frown on his face. 'Brenda knows the way, she'll find us.'

A scream cut through the air, inhuman, like the girl we heard a few days ago. My eyes widened and Jorge quickly shut the door.

There was no way I could follow them now. Frustraded I sat down on the ground, rubbing my temples. My eyes wondered around and saw all the Gladers, except for Thomas and Lisa.

'Those were probably the Cranks who tried to kill us,' Jorge said, staring out of the window.

'You gotta promise me something, slint-head,' Minho said, anger sounding through his voice.

Jorge turned around, his eyebrows raised. 'What's a-' 'You better be telling the truth when you say Brenda knows the way!' Minho screamed, pointing his finger at Jorge and standing dangerously close to him.

The Memoriam Files: Minds [EDITING] ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat