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...that's a lot of reads-

Even though I'm done with this book, I just wanted to say thank you. This book was just a way for me to escape the hard times in middle school and...3 years later, it's reached so many reads and votes.
I know I bash on my horrible writing in this story, but this book has also held memories of friends I used to have, the sprouting of my crazy imagination; it's even inspired a few fellow writers!
To those that are beginning writers or young writers that have read this story, I just wanted to say...don't give up on something you love if a few people aren't going to like it. Ive read books and I've seen writers just give up on their story because other people didn't like it.
When I wrote this book, none of my friends understood it because they weren't into the things I was in. I didn't care; I just kept writing. I thought that this story would never be recognized. Heck, half of the chapters are from role-plays!

So, with that, I guess what I'm trying to say is...as long as you wait and continue to do the things you love, you will eventually achieve the goals you're trying to reach. Just remember to stay strong and fight on, warriors!

OneEyedWarrior, out!

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