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Okay, so. As I've mentioned countless times, this story was written when I was in 7th grade- I'm a sophomore in high school now. Over the years, this book has gotten popular! And I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read this silly little story of mine ^^ it honestly does mean a lot.

So, what is my question, you ask? My question to you all as the readers is...

Would you like a part 2?

Would you, as the reader, want a sequel to Madison's life? Or perhaps a remake? Let me know in the comments, or message me! Maybe I'll be adding some characters from previous stories/stories I'm working on, like Jessie Voorhees and Fallas Krueger! Or little Autumn Wolf!
Also, I could add in oc's of yours if ya like, possibilities are endless!!

Tell me what ya want, warriors and I shall do my best to satisfy you all!


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