Chapter five

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I opened my eyes quickly,only to see Chucky and aunt Tiffany looking down at me. Chucky was smiling. "You ok sweetface?" I didn't feel any pain,so i nodded. I sat up,only to realize how small I looked. I started to panic when I felt an arm go around my shoulders with a mirror. I was terrified to see a pale face,with black hair,blue eyes,a small nose,and rose red lips. I was silent at first,but when uncle Chucky helped me up,I noticed my hands fit loosely in his. I screamed and ran to my closet. I looked in the mirror and started to cry when I noticed I was a doll. I wore a red dress with a white collar that went across my shoulders. I cried,not only because I was a doll,but because I was stuck like this until I die. I looked over and grabbed my pocket knife. Chucky grabbed it. "What are you doing?!" I was still crying. He looked at me,but then his head quickly turned. The door opened,my family was here.
I stopped crying and looked over the stair balcony. "Madison! We're home honey!" "Great.." I looked over and saw Chucky and aunt Tiffany pushing my body off the balcony. I held my hand out but it was to late. I heard my foster mom scream. Suddenly,I started to laugh,I pulled my knife out,and snuck off. Chucky looked at me as I got on the balcony. He nodded,and I jumped off screaming. I landed on her head,and to end her suffering,I twisted her head until I heard a crack noise. I looked over at my foster dad,he was dead to. I laughed at him,uncle Chucky split his face apart with his knife and hand.
(Chucky's S.O.S)
I was so excited at Madison,my face was covered in blood and I smiled at her. She looked over and noticed the letter her mom had. I didn't see what it said,but when she finished reading it,she dropped it,grabbed a hammer,and ran off. "Madison!" I ran after her around the house.
(Madison's S.O.S)
I read the note,it said. "Dear Madison,I'm sorry to say this,but we're sending you back." I dropped the note in her blood and lost it. I ran around the house,trying to hold back my tears. Uncle Chucky chased me,but I didn't stop running,I couldn't stop crying. I didn't get that far,but uncle Chucky threw his arms over me and lifted me up. I pulled my head away from his face and closed my eyes tight.
(Chucky's S.O.S)
Madison wasn't that hard to catch,she was 3inches smaller than me! As I lifted her,she pulled her head away. I forced her to look at me. She opened her eyes,they were stained with tears. "Why the hell are you crying?" She wiped her eye with her sleeve and read the note out loud. I looked over at the dead bodies. "They're dead! They can't hurt you no more." She shook her head. "Now I don't even have parents!" She ran off crying. I ran after her as she ran in her room without closing the door. "Madison.." I looked around but couldn't find her,until I heard her silent sobs. I liked under the bed and found her in the corner,hugging her knees. She looked at me. "Come here,we're gonna have a little talk."
(Madison's S.O.S)
I shivered and got up,still shaking. I couldn't believe I really was an orphan now. I crawled out from under my bed and looked up and Chucky. He looked at me and put me on his lap. My lip began to shake,and I broke out crying again. I hugged him and buried my face in his shoulder. I could feel his eyes watching me,but I didn't care at the moment. He started to speak,so I closed my eyes and cried silently so I could here.
(Chucky's S.O.S)
Poor kid,she was crying so hard I could have made a pool for the kids. I decided to cheer her up and tell her my adventures with Andy Barclay. I listened to her closely,so I'd know I wasn't talking to myself. When I finished my story,she was breathing slowly,I knew she was asleep. I held her and put her in her bed,she was still sobbing. I walked out to find myself surrounded by Glen,Glenda,and Tiff. "Isn't it a bit late for the kids to be up Tiff?" She smiled. "I liked what you did for Madison,Chucky." She kissed me on the cheek and still smiled,I blushed. "Can you tell us a story dad?" Glenda was dressed in her pajamas,so was Glen. I smiled a bit."Sure,why don't you come sleep with your cousin and comfort her." The kids smiled and ran in,Madison stopped sobbing,I knew she was a deep sleeper. As the kids crawled into bed,I told them how Andy and I went to military school,and how I met Tyler. They were amazed. "Daddy,how did mommy turn to a doll?" I looked over at Tiff,she shook her head. "Maybe later,it's getting late kids,your mom and I have something to do." I smirked at the thought of just Tiff and I going hunting,it's been a while. Glen and Glenda closed there eyes as well,and fell asleep. "Hunting time!" I was excited!
Tiff and I walked out the door and sat on the porch for a bit. "You know Chucky,you've been getting a bit soft for the kids. I love it." I smiled a bit,it was true,I wasn't acting myself. "Yeah,life's full of surprises." She laughed. "It seems like yesterday we were holding Madison and rocking her to sleep,and you wanting Glen to be a killer. Time goes by." I smirked "I still want Glen to be a killer!" "Come on Tiff,let's go live a little." She smiled as I grabbed her hand,and headed off to scare and kill.

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