C h a p t e r T h r e e | W a k e U p

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He watches as Adam's gaze falls on him, his smile being very bubbly. "Come on Ty, next we're fitting you for an outfit to wear at your party," Adam walked up to him and grabbed his arm, pulling him up from the chair and dragging him down the hall. Ty was used to Adam's physical strength from personal experience over at his home kingdom, not being fazed by the sudden jolt. "Adam, I'm worried about Seto," Ty randomly blurted out. Adam looked over his shoulder and gave him a confused look, not stopping his walking momentum. "I'm sure he's fine. He always locks himself in his lab after arguments with me," Adam explained, sounding too casual about it. "For almost a week?" Ty raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Adam shrugged, "He's gone longer." Ty blinked, dumbfounded by his response. He doesn't know if to feel relieved or more worried of Seto's locked in tantrums.

Adam brings him into a huge walk-in wardrobe with an entire studio off to the side to fabricate and design clothing. The studio room entrance had a red curtain blocking it's way to conceal the new pieces of clothing for a better surprise reveal. There was a wooden framed changing station to try on the variety of outfits the stylists have provided. What stood out was the rows of racks filled to the brim with different clothing, certain sections marked off for each individual member of Team Crafted. "Wow, somuch clothing," Ty exclaimed, overwhelmed by the variety he has to choose from. "Don't worry, our stylists will help you pick stuff out. Your rack will fill up fairly quickly," Adam patted his back before pushing him towards the curtain covered entrance. Ty stumbled on his feet, but managed to regain balance before tumbling over.

"Is that Ty I hear?" A woman with dyed purple hair and eyebrows came out from behind the curtains. She wore grey jeans with a brown belt and a gold buckle, a blue rolled up, long sleeved blue shirt and brown boots. She ran up to Ty and grabbed his hand, shaking it joyfully, "My name is Dawn, one of the Sky Kingdoms royal stylists." Ty nodded kindly, "H-hi, you already know me so- wait. Did you say one of?"

"Other one here," A man popped his head through the curtains. He wore black glasses with his pink dyed hair and mustache all in a mess. He casually stepped out to reveal his very bright pink attire. He wore a white shirt with a sleeveless pink jacket with its buttons loose. His pants were loose and baggy, the sneakers being plain white and pink. "I'm Kyle," The man introduced himself, his hands not moving from his jacket pockets. "Oh, hello," Ty waved awkwardly. Adam crept up behind Ty, startling him once he began to speak. "Dawn and Kyle are the best of the best! They've really got game when it comes to fashion." Dawn nodded in agreement, "I generalize in the female fashion, even though I haven't gotten to do any but my own."

"I generalize in men fashion and have designed basically everything Team Crafted wears," Kyle boasted about himself. Dawn jabbed her elbow in his gut, hoping it would shut him up. "We both have designed what Team Crafted wears," Dawn corrected, "We equally help out in the design and making the outfit." Ty chuckled at their playfulness, "Can't wait to see what kind of things you have planned for my attire." Dawn gasped in realization, turning to look at Kyle, "Oh my god Kyle, his party outfit! Help him select some stuff for his rack while I go fetch what we have so far."

"Ah- can I come with?" Adam questioned, but didn't get a reply. He didn't wait for one when he decided to follow Dawn into the studio room. Ty was left alone with Kyle, social anxiety building up inside him. "Hey, follow me. I think I know what you might like," Kyle nudged his head to the side, signaling for him to follow. Ty got the hint and followed right behind him. Kyle was an entire head taller, emphasizing his already short stature from everyone else. He had so many questions about him, like why is his mustache dyed pink? Or why pink out of all colors? Not that he's judging pink as a none manly color, it's just and odd choice.

"There's some cool stuff here," Kyle showed Ty the rack of unselected clothing. Ty brought his attention to the mass amount of clothing in front of him, feeling tired from just looking at it. The three hour stiffness was kicking back to add on to his lazy posture. Kyle noticed Ty's slouched posture, seeing his dead exterior. "Not a fan of looking through stuff?" Kyle asked, raising an eyebrow. "You could say that," Ty sighed, letting out whatever laziness he has inside of him, "Adam has me dead with all these errands." Kyle laughed, "He's a very energetic kid. Always has been from what the staff here tells me." Ty perked up, "That's not hard to believe, but why is he always happy?"

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