Chapter 4- Stuck in the Middle of Nothing in the Middle of Nowhere

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I looked around at the zombies coming towards us. There were about twenty or so, which would be easy for us. I dropped my bag on the ground, and ran toward them. I heard Phoenix's light footsteps behind me.

When I reached the first set of zombies, I slashed my swords at their throats. They dropped easily. They were already almost rotten. The ones behind that still looked human. A lot less rot, a lot harder to kill.

I swung at them, but they kept coming. I shoved one of my swords into a zombies head, and I slashed another ones head in half.

"Behind you!" Someone called, but I didn't hear it fast enough.

The blow wasn't hard, but it was enough to knock me to the ground.

I heard Phoenix yell my name, and I heard Lydia start to run toward me. The gunshot wasn't far from my head, so I knew the zombie was right by me.

Phoenix grabbed my hand, and helped me to my feet. "You okay?"

"Yea." I replied. "I gotta stop depending on you to save me."

The small group of zombies had been taken care of, but the gunshot wasn't the best idea. I grabbed my backpack, and quickly joined the group. 

Brock ran toward us. "Lets move, we can't let the zombies get here."

We started moving, practically running, down the road. It wasn't long before we realized that we would never be able to outrun them. The noise would have alerted a lot of zombies.

We were screwed.

Phoenix stopped in front of a driveway. "It looks like it goes toward a house. We need to find somewhere to hide, and quick."

Everyone else agreed, and we started the long trek up the driveway. Apparently whoever lived here before didn't like company. The driveway was a little more then a half a mile long, and it ended in a fenced in yard, with barbed wire topping the fence. Phoenix broke open the gate, and we all went inside, securing it behind us. The fence wouldn't keep a lot out, it was only about  five feet tall, but it sure would hinder some of the older zombies, and the barbed wire would help, too.

The house wasn't very big. Just a two story cabin. Lucky for us there were only two windows on the first floor. We all climbed the steps, and tried the door. Locked. Brock stepped in front of us and broke it open.

The house was undamaged. No one had thought to scavenge this far away from the road. Sara went to the kitchen and nearly started crying from the supply of food. Liza and Lydia went to secure the rest of the house. Phoenix and I started the adventure of securing the front door and the windows. 

Phoenix held the door open for me as we trudged back outside. There was a decent sized pile of thin boards of wood outside of the door, enough to be used to cover up the windows. We walked around the house, finding a small shed, with firewood beside it. 

"Should we check the shed?" Phoenix asked, grabbing firewood from beside the shed. 

"I don't think so. If anything was in it, we would know it by now." I said, grabbing wood as well. 

As we started to walk away, a small scarping noise sounded inside the shed. Phoenix and I froze, and I instantly reached for the knife hooked to my side, dropping the wood onto the ground. Phoenix did the same. 

I grabbed the door and tried to pull it, but it was locked. I tried to yank it open, but it was too secure. 

"Let me try." Phoenix said, walking toward  the door. 

He backed away from the door, and rammed his foot into it. It didn't budge. The scraping began again. 

"Maybe it's just an animal?"  I said, sticking my ear to the door. 

I heard another noise from the shed, this time a little louder. A human cry, barely audible, but definitely there. 

"Did you hear that?" Phoenix said, staring at my with wild eyes. 

"Hello?" I said, knocking on the door. "Can you hear me? Is someone in there?" 

A quiet voice answered, "Are they gone?" 

Phoenix looked at me. "Is that... a kid?"

I didn't answer. I turned back to the door. "Yes, they're gone. We're safe. Can you open the door?" 

A click sounded, and the door swung freely open. 

Phoenix and I looked in. A tiny boy, no more then ten, was standing there staring at us in wonder. He had bright blue eyes, too full of life for such a horrible time. His face was smeared with dirt, but he seemed healthy. 

He instantly attached himself to my leg, talking at a very fast pace. "Daddy told me to hide in the shed. He said if  the bad guys come past the fence that I have to stay until he gets me. I was so scared. I ate all the food, and I got very cold, but I found a blanket and more food. But Daddy didn't come back." He looked up at me. "Who are you?" 

I exchanged a look with Phoenix, who had a grim look on his face. I picked up the boy, and started to carry him back to the house. 

"I'm Adi, and this is Phoenix." 

He smiled, "I'm Nikolai." 

(Sooo... I updated this and my other story in the same day. I feel pretty proud of myself ^.^ Comment and vote please!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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