Chapter 3- Let the Games Begin

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While I thought I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die. Leonardo Da Vinci

I jumped back seconds before the zombie reached me. I tried to get around him to get out the door, but it was no use. I was trapped. I tried to kick him im the head, but it backed away just in time. I kicked again, and he went down. As I backed away, though, he stood back up. I grabbed the first thing I could find, and started swinging at him. I looked down at my hand.

A toilet brush. A fucking toilet brush. That's the best I could do. Every weapon I had was sitting in my room next door. I kept swinging at the zombie, trying to hit its face, but it kept avoiding my attacks. I heard someone running up the stairs behind the zombie.

Phoenix appeared behind the zombie, his black hair flying around his face as he swung at the zombie with a kitchen knife. The zombie didn't see him coming. He stabbed it straight through the head, and slowly it fell to the ground. Phoenix stabbed it again to make sure it was dead, dropped the knife, and then ran toward me.

Before I knew what was happening, I was wrapped in his arms. I realized I was still tensed up, and slowly I relaxed against him. I realized I was holding my breath, so I let it out slowly. He was blushing slightly, and avoiding my eyes. I blushed, too. He had never grabbed me like that before. He seemed almost desperate trying to make sure I was okay. He pulled away, and looked at me.

I could see his eyes flickering on me, making sure I was unharmed. When he knew I was okay, I finally spoke.

"How did it get in here?" I asked, trying to avoid mentioning the awkward embrace we had just shared. The house was completely blocked. There should have been no way for the zombie to get in. This was supposed to be our safe area, but the zombie got in anyway.

"It broke down one of the windows we had covered. It was strong... Very strong" He sighed, and looked at me. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded, and looked away. Of course, under normal circumstances I could have taken that zombie down by myself, but I had had nothing to defend myself with. Now I looked like a weakling. I sighed, and threw down the toilet brush. "What now?"

"Brock said we're leaving today. There's too many zombies around here. So we're packing up and setting out a little after lunch." Phoenix looked over at me. "Better get packing, eh?"

I nodded, and turned back around. I started to pick up the backpack I had dropped when the zombie attacked.

"Hey, Adeline?" Phoenix said.


"I'm glad you're okay." I looked up at him. He had a sideways grin on his face that made him look like a little kid.

I smiled back. "Thanks." He watched me for a second more, sighed, then awkwardly walked out of the room.

I grinned, and continued packing. I tried to concentrate, but I couldn't stop thinking about his arms around me, and that cute little childish grin


A few hours later, we were all ready to go. Everyone had a backpack secured to their backs. Liza and Lydia each had a gun in their hand, and a gun in a holster on their sides. Brock was the same. Sarah had a knife in her pocket, but she didn't need much.

Phoenix and I were in the front of the group. Phoenix had a tactical tomahawk, which he had "borrowed" from the military compound. Sound attracted zombies, so he had taken it to keep from having to use the guns. He had a gun in a holster attached to his backpack, and a knife in each pocket, just in case.

I looked like something out of a knock-off Anime movie. I had a set of Butterfly swords hooked to a holster on my back behind the backpack. I had a back-up gun in my bag I never used. My Butterfly swords were like my children. I had found them at an old house we had stayed in to avoid zombies a few months back. They were a very shiny metallic silver, and a little bit longer than normal Butterfly swords. They had probably belonged to an anime junkie with a little too much money and spare time. They were very hard to travel with, but I've had them for a while, and I trusted them more than any gun, so I kept them with me.

Phoenix looked over at me. "Ready?"

I nodded. He got his gun ready, and I pulled my swords out of their sheath on my back. We opened up the door, and walked out into the bright sunlight.

"Let the games begin." I said, as a torrent of zombies came at us.

(A/N- Sorry this chapter is so short. But I packed a lot of information into it. Also, if you don't know what butterly swords are, I put a picture in the information. Thanks for reading! :D )

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