Chapter 2-Take a Trip To My Past, But It Won't Change the Future

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The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?

-Edgar Allen Poe

-Ten Days Ago-

It began the same as it did everyday. I woke up to the sound of something banging on the walls and groans.  It sounded muffled, probably from the fact that we were on the second floor, but it didnt stop the shudder that went through me when I heard it.

Zombies. Every last one of them. I listened for a moment. There were probably only ten or so out there right now. Some of the newest ones. The ones who still had a very strong sense of smell. That tended to go away fast. At least the doors and windows were blocked, so none of them could come inside.

Slowly, I stood up. The bed was the softest I had slept on in weeks. I knew it would be, that's why I called this room when we arrived here last night. The neighborhood was pretty wrecked, but we had managed to find a house that was in decent shape. 

I  walked toward the bathroom, and looked out the nearest window. The light coming in through the window was very dim, probably because it was barely dawn, but I could still see the silouettes of the zombies below. I sighed, turned, and walked toward the stairs near the bathroom. 

I heard shuffling from the room beside mine. I stopped, and looked at the door. The door opened, and he walked out.

Phoenix. His hair was covering most of his face, but I knew every detail under it. He had bright green eyes that seemed to shine at night like a cats. He had the most contagious smile I had ever seen. And his lips...

"Adeline?" I jumped, and saw that he was looking back at me. His green eyes sparkled mischieviously at me, and he grinned. "What are you staring at?"

"Nothing." I said quickly, blushing. He watched me for a few more seconds, then walked toward me. He stopped moving when we heard a really loud noise below us. A few seconds later we heard a collection of muffled gunshots. We both looked toward the window, then back towards each other.

 "Probably the Twins on their way back."  I said. Phoenix nodded. Of course, they were already out scavenging. That was our job: to search for any remaining humans left out of the military compounds. We were one of the only groups allowed to leave them, and most certainly the only teenagers. We weren't very trained, but we had experience with zombies, so they sent us out anyways. I guess experience with zombies is better than military experience when it comes to this war.

Phoenix looked over at me and grinned. "I smell food." He grabbed my hand, and yanked me to the stairs. We both walked down the stairs toward the kitchen. I heard a few noises, but they were all very quiet now. Zombies had a very strong sense of hearing, so we didn't want to alert them.

I walked into the kitchen to find the strangest group of people ever to be seen. The two identical twins, Liza and Lydia, were both standing by the stove. Their clothes were dirty, and they had zombie guts on their hands. Their identical light blonde hair was pulled up into hairbows, and they both had dirt smeared on their faces. They grinned at us as we walked in, then returned to cleaning their guns in the kitchen sink.

 Sarah, the "mother" of the group, was fixing breakfast. Her hair was in a lopsided bun on the top of her head, and she looked like she hadn't bathed in weeks. Just like the rest of us. Phoenix grinned at her, and walked to the kitchen table and sat down.  I sat down beside him. Brock, the only other guy in the group, was just walking into the room behind us. His brown hair was matted to his forehead, and he had a tired look in his eyes.

Brock winked at us. "Getting all coupley I see." He must have sensed the confusion on my face, because he pointed toward our hands, which were still linked together. Phoenix pulled his hand away, and turned away from me. I still had enough time to see the blush on his face.

Sarah put a plate on the kitchen counter. It seemed like the houses around here didn't have much food left, because our breakfast consisted of baked beans and what looked like rice. She grimaced. "Better than starving." We all grabbed food, and started eating.

"So." Brock began. "The plan is to pack up tomorrow morning, and set out. It doesnt look like anyones left around here. Which we weren't expecting anyone this close to the compound anyway." Brock, even though he was barely eighteen, was definitely the leader of the group. Phoenix and I were the best at combat, and Liza and Lydia were best with the guns. Sarah mostly stayed behind at the nearest shelter to try and keep somewhat of a "home" for us.

"Are we heading west?" Liza said. She had a weird look on her face, something I hadn't seen for a while.


"That's the plan." Sarah said.

Liza and Lydia smiled. "Are we heading toward California?"

Sarah and Brock looked at each other. Uh-oh. I knew that look. I thought back to when we first met the group. Liza and Lydia had been living in Texas, and had been brought to the Arizona compound when there compound in...

Wait. The compound they were in before was in Califnornia. They had probably left family behind.

Sarah sighed. "Probably not." Everyone seemed kind of unhappy after that. We all started to gather what we could. I walked up to the bathroom on the second floor to see if we could find any supplies there. I was limited to whatever I could carry in my bookbag, just like everyone else. As I was looking behind the mirror in the bathroom, I heard someone behind me. They made a weird groan noise, like they really needed to use the toilet. 

"Phoenix, stop it. It's not funny." I turned around, and shrieked.

Standing a few feet away from me was a zombie. Its pitch black eyes stared back at me. Its head twitched to the side as it realized I was alive. I screamed again as it lunged for my throat.

A/N- Sorry it took so long to post this. Its kind of an in between chapter, the next one has a lot more action. :3 Thanks for reading... the few of you who actually do :D

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