"No problem." then the man left while four men entered to take the orders.

"You know who was that?" Liana asked.

"Some guy who works at an office maybe? He looks helpless when I told him that he should give a day's time. Must be working with an immature Boss who demands things whenever he want."

Liana laughed. "An immature Boss? How do you know that? Maybe, the boss was helpless too like him."

"Maybe..." Stacy thought "But still." she huffed.

"Should we go for a drink later?" Liana said winking.

"Yes. Need it." Stacy said laughing.

Later that day at night. Stacy and Liana went to have some drinks with Barbecue.

"Why don't you work in the Cafe in the mean time when you look for a job." Stacy said pouring Liana a drink.

Liana laughed. "You do know that I am working somewhere else too." she said turning to the side and taking a shot.

"I know, but won't it be better working in my Cafe. I can hire you as a Manager." Stacy smiled.

Liana laughed.

"I am not joking." Stacy said looking serious.

"I know." Liana's laughed died and she pour herself a drink. "But I have some other things in my mind. You can call me whenever you have less employees, but I want to stand on my own feet and do something just like you did." Liana said winking at her

Stacy rolled her eyes and then her face turned serious.

"This offer is valid till forever. Whenever you feel like joining. I will hire you as Manager for my other Cafe. I am planning to extend my business in Seattle." Stacy said thoughtfully. "If you take the offer, maybe you can be my Manager in Seattle when the store is ready for everyone and then while you be Manager there, maybe at the same time you can look for work as a Cartoonist there." Stacy said.

"That's not a bad idea, but I will think about it though. I haven't plan about shifting yet. Do you want me to leave this place so soon?" Liana said.

Stacy smacked her lightly on her arms and huffed.

"I was just joking." Liana said. "

"You better be." she said.

"Here, I will pour you a drink as an apology." Liana said pouring the drink.

"Cheers to us." they clinked their glasses together as they enjoyed the barbecue.

There was a group of Men in suit who most probably just came here after work. They were loud and seemed drunk. They were loud and too noisy.

"He thinks of himself as someone high, huh?" a man said standing up. "One day he will learn his lesson."

"Shh...." a man said pulling that drunk man down and was apologizing to the other customers around them.

"He thinks he is handsome and successful." the man shouted. "So what if he is? he needs to have empathy and good heart." the man said looking at each one. "Am I right?"

"Sir, you are being loud." one customer complained from their seat.

"You all don't understand how we feel." the drunk man said looking at the woman who just said that.

"When you are in our place, you will understand us." the man said.

"Someone take him home." another customer complained.

"Sorry about that." the men said, and started taking their things.

"Ma'am, can we have the bill, please." one of the man said.

"Are you kicking me out? Over here also?" the man said shouting. "That Boss also kicks me out of his office too."

"This man seemed stressed. I wonder where he works." Liana said to Stacy.

"Doesn't sound like a good place. They all seemed so stressful."

"I want to quit from the job." that man started screaming as they exited.

Liana sighed. Some people are at least getting a full time job. She thought to herself.

When they finished their dinner. Liana was half drunk so was Stacy.

"Are you sure you are able to go home on your own?" Stacy said slurring as Liana was helping her to get on the Taxi.

"Yeaaaa." Liana said. "Sir, take her home safely." she said as she shut the door behind.

"See you, Liana." Stacy said while peeping out from the window and waving. Liana waved back and then she turned around and walked on a wall. She fell down.

"Where did the wall came from?" she said out loud looking at the wall.

"I hope you are talking about those beautiful artistic walls and not those plain ones when you are describing me. I am worth millions actually billions." a snobbish voice said.

"The walls speak." Liana said.

"Definitely. You never knew?" The wall said.

"Hmm...." Liana said looking at the wall.

"As fun as it seem.I don't have time for interaction. Hope you take care." the wall said.

"Obviously the wall can't help you to get up." Liana said laughing.

"Ma'am, do you want me to call a taxi for you?" another voice said.

"Taxi is so expensive." Liana said.

"Call her a taxi and pay the man." the wall said to the other voice.

That's how Liana got inside a Taxi with someone's coat.

"Thank you, wall. I will come and visit you soon." Liana screamed as the Taxi drove off.

"Now Ma'am, what is your address?" the taxi man asked.

"Why? Are you trying to stalk me?"

The man looked at her with pity.

"I am just doing my job. The man paid me well!" he said sounding like he was offended.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you enjoyed reading it. Happy readings!

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