Chapter 1: Bunker Invasion

Start from the beginning

Then there were Flynn and Wyatt. Two totally different guys - like black and white.

Only with great similarities. Flynn may be one of the guys that when you first see, you think of him as a villain and not trustworthy, but in reality, he's as trustworthy as Wyatt is, who gives you the whole opposite impression. After all, he is a soldier.

In fact, both of them have struggled in their past, both have lost their people. Their family. However, one of them, decided to do a... comeback.

Don't get me wrong, under different circumstances, I would be really happy that Wyatt got his wife back when he thought he had lost her forever. But Jessica, she seems suspicious in front of everyone's eyes. Except Wyatt's. He refuses to believe it.

In a way, I understand. But none of us can deny the fact that Jessica's comeback from the dead has to do with Rittenhouse. And suddenly she's also pregnant. That's exactly what makes my last three days somewhat stressful, tense and... exhausting, since Jessica lives in the bunker.

“Hey.” a familiar voice said and I turned quickly back around. “Do you have time for us to talk?”

It was Wyatt. Ever since Jessica came back, we only had little time to talk - or maybe he couldn't even bring himself to talk to me at all. Jessica's appearance happening when we just got together made everything much more complicated, and I was pretty sure it was bad luck hitting my door.

“Don't you have to be with your pregnant wife or something?” I said sarcastically, trying to play the jealous ex. I really need to work on my lines.

“Jessica's asleep.” he answered, rolling his eyes - probably sick of my wanna-be-jealous lines. “We haven't really talked about us since... you know.” he said lightly.

I didn't say anything - I couldn't make things worse than they already were. I just nodded and walked in my room, feeling Wyatt's presence following me.

My room was starting to get kind of filthy, because someone (that would be me) didn't bother to clean up during the last three days that we finally had free.

To be honest, only Connor's and Jiya's rooms were clean. When everyone finally had all the time to themselves, all they did was rest. And that was the obvious thing to do.

The luckiest of us was Agent Christopher. She didn't even live in the bunker, she was home with her - real - family and she came to visit us constantly - or when it was work time. Since we just saved her life (in the past), she believed she owed us, so tonight we were all going to her house for dinner.

“See, Lucy... I know Jessica kind of destroyed what we just built, but...” he hesitated to speak. “I don't think she did, not completely.”

I was confused. What was he talking about? His wife was pregnant, and he thought of... cheating on her? With me? No, I am not going to be a homewrecker.

“Where are you trying to get at?” I asked him, as if I didn't know already.

“I... I don't know.” he blurted out after two seconds of holding his breath. “I'm tangled in my feelings, I'm supposed to be with Jessica but...” he didn't even look me in the eye.

“But what?!” I interrupted him before he got a chance to continue. “If you're thinking of having some sort of affair with me while your wife is pregnant, no. If this is your stupid love triangle, thank you, but I don't want to be in it.”

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