Chapter Four ~ Aftermaths

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        Since I'd failed miserably at my driver's test four times—people dying kinda does that to you—I didn't have my license yet. My only resort was to always ride the bus with my wonderful schoolmates. However, Mel dropped me off from time to time, today being one of those times because I was fifteen minutes late. Again.

        "I won't be home till late today, so don't wait up," she informed me when we reached the school.

        "Right. You have that date," I said, reaching to open the door. Before school started I was bored so sometimes I'd go through Mel's email and Facebook and whatnot. Her password was always "Melibu". Apparently because her name was Mel and she was in love with Malibu. It's ridiculous, I know.

        "What date!?" she flung her hand and grasped my knee, stopping me. Was she not aware that I was already late?

        "Uhh... The one you told me about," I lied as I clasped the door.

        "When?" The suspicion in her voice rose. I had to think fast.

        "When we had that moment." That was all I could come up with. My brain was fried from last night.

        "What moment?" she asked, raising her already arched eyebrows.

        "You seriously don't remember?" I laughed. "Well I'm already ..." I quickly unlocked the door and bolted out of the car. She would kill me if she knew I was snooping through her stuff. Especially out of boredom.

          Knowing I looked like shit and felt like shit because I looked like shit, I should've stayed home. But if I stayed home every time I couldn't sleep, I'd never go to school. Of course this would be ideal due to the number of asses I have to deal with at school, but unlike those asses I planned on going to college.

My parents, who met at a science fair in Harvard, always wanted me to go to college. Specifically a certain Ivy League college by the name of Yale. It was the farthest Ivy Leauge from this awesome-turned dreadful place.

        The hallway was quiet except for the usual students who thought that school was actually a porn set and thus proceeded as they will on one. On my way to class, I passed by my locker. The janitor had done his best to clean it, but there were still what looked like the aftermaths of a bad paint job. Not that it mattered since I most certainly was not going to use that locker ever again.

        As I made my way to class, nervousness seized me. Mr. Jackson may have excused me yesterday for being late, but I doubt he would do it again. When I reached the door to my English class, it was closed. Taking a deep breath, I clasp my hand on the handle and turn it to the left. The door didn't budge. I turned it to the right. Nothing, the shit was locked. I held my breath and knocked on the door. Seven seconds later,—I counted—the door flew open and almost hit me in the forehead.

        All eyes were on me when I walked in. Today of all days when I looked and felt like shit. Typical.

        Mr. Jackson didn't hesitate in giving me my punishment. "Detention. After school", he orded without looking at me.

        I nodded just as someone said, "Finally!"

        "Would you like one too, Ms. Khie?" Mr. Jackson firmly asked.

        A pale Asian girl with beady eyes and dark make-up shook her head. She looked scared but the fire behind her eyes indicated that she was not sorry for what she'd said.

        I took my seat next to Kyle all the while avoiding his stares. His eyes followed my every move from when I sat down to when I took out my notebook and tried to look like I knew what the hell was going on in class. It was like he was seeing through me, through what I'd experienced last night, through my whole life. It was unsettling and made me feel naked.

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