Chapter One ~ Reflections

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                 Dedicated to @mckennamason18 for being a fantastic editor as well as writer!

         I wanted to cry but I couldn't. It was like I'd already used up all the tears that God had given me for my lifetime.

        I quietly watched as a blonde woman in her late twenties somberly walked up to the casket in front of the church.She fell on both knees and immediately started bawling her eyes out. I wished I could borrow some of her tears.

        "Why Nana, why," she cried to the elderly woman in the casket. "Why did you also have to die? It's only Arielle and I now."

        She was referring to me, Arielle Larsen. The woman in the casket was my grandmother. And the one bawling her eyes out was my cousin. Ten years older than me, but my cousin all the same.


        That was 2 months ago and yet it felt like just yesterday. Shaking the memory out of my head, I hurried to my AP English class.

        Somehow, I was still late. But I noticed I wasn't the only one as I stopped at the front door.

        "Care to explain why your are late to my class, Mr. Pebbles?," my teacher Mr. Jackson asked the boy infront of me.

        "Umm, the dog ate my car?"

The whole class burst out in laughter. Even I snickered and I do not snicker. Especially these days.  Mr. Jackson, however, was notamused.

        "And that's one of the million ways to get a detention in my class," he announced to the whole class.


        "Mr. Pebbles" looked dumbfounded but knew better than to argue since that would probably result in another detention. He walked to the back of the room and took one of the three empty seats there.

        I sucked in my breath as Mr. Jackson focused his attention on me.

Shit. I didnt want to have detention on the first day of senior year.

        He looked at me with sad eyes and to my surprise said, "Take a seat, Ms. Larsen."

        The whispers began.

        "How come she doesn't get detention?" someone inquired.

        "Cause her grandparents and uncle died within weeks of each other."

        "Yeah, and like Kendra died like three weeks after her parents like died. She probabaly like killed them all. Like..." Based on the number of times she used the word "like" I knew that was none other than Priley the Prick. At least that was what Kendra and I called her. Her posé simply called her Prileyyy.

         I ignored the ignorant comments and made my way to the second free seat in the back. The moment my butt touched my seat, my earphones went into my ears and Christina Perri's "Human" filled my ears.

        As Mr. Jackson was talking about something concerning English, the door flew open. 

        All eyes, including mine, fell on the guy who put his leather-clad feet into the classroom. His jet-black hair and piercing green eyes weren't the only things that made him stand out. The fact that everything he was wearing was leather and he had a motocycle helmet in one hand added to the reason behind the stares.

        He was followed by Mrs. Martinez, the school's principal. Although her extremely short skirt and low-buttoned blouse did nothing to indicate that she was the principal, trust me, she was.

Although I didn't really care about a new student, I paused my music.

        "Hello, Mr. Jackson. This is Kyle Sanders, your new student," Mrs. Martinez said to my English teacher as she eyed the guy.

        For some reason, Mr. Jackson extended his hand out to the new student and shook it. It was weird because Mr. Jackson never shook the hands of students.

        With lust in her eyes, Mrs. Martinez watched as the new student made his way to the empty seat next to me. It was completely obvious she was staring at his butt.

        "If you need anything Kyle, you know where to find me," she cooed to his ass. And then she winked. She freaking winked at the student!

        Suprisingly, Kyle Sanders was undisturbed by this obviously perverse female. Maybe she was his sugar mummy. I shrugged at the thought. I certainly didn't give a shit.

        As Kyle neared my seat I hit play on my IPhone.

        Suddenly, I felt someone lift my feet up from the third seat and say, "If you don't mind."

        Dumbfounded, I stared at 'Mr. Sanders' and mouthed, "Sorry".

        "Don't sweat it," he grinned at me. Just as the bell rang, I noticed his teeth were extremely white.







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