Chapter 12

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The journey was long. I had to sit for so long in one position. Sometimes in between, I had to rush to the bathroom because I felt like crying. I used to cover my mouth with my hand so that no one from outside can hear me. I was sad and unsure what I was going to do. I had no plans and going to an unknown city made me felt more homesick. But, I wanted to know the truth and more than truth I wanted to be strong and have no regrets.  That I never gave a chance.

I was taken out from my trance when a passenger sitting next to me started talking. He looked in his mid forties.

"Is everything alright? ", he asked.

"Y-yeah",I nodded.

"Boyfriend problem? "

"Umm...not exactly,  he ....we were supposed to be married.. atleast thats what our parents wanted. "

"Oh! I see but why you upset?"

By this time I was frustrated of the constant questions the person was asking, but I kept myself nice.

"I think he cheated.", I said trying to hold back tears.

"Does the person confessed.  I dont want to interrupt in your personal matter, but you know telling what is holding you back may help you to feel good."

"He said he is innocent. "

"If he comes back to you, keep him. Tell him how you feel. And see his reaction, if tears form in his eyes he is a real keeper.", he sais smiling.

He said it so simply that it all made so sense.

My plane landed. I got down and did all the formalities to get out of the airport. I took out out my phone and clicked photo of a banner that said "WELCOME TO LONDON ". I send it to my mom to tell her, I reached safely. I took a taxi.

"Where do you want to go?", the driver asked.

"To the nearest hotel. ", I simply answered.

I didn't knew much about this city and was awed by looking its tall and beautiful buildings.

"First time in London? ", the driver asked .

"Yes, First time.", I replied.

The driver stopped near a nice hotel and helped me taking out my luggage. I paid him, and went inside to check - in. I got inside the hotel and and climbed on the fluffy bed. I checked my phone, it still had messages from Harry. I opened one message.

Anita please pick up my call or call me back. Give me a chance to explain atleast.
- Harry

I felt a hot drop of tear fell from my cheek. I wanted to see him. I then checked on internet for Harry's concert ticket. Fortunately, they still had tickets near the stage. I thought Harry might see me in the crowd. Well this was all my plan, I figured out in my taxi journey to the hotel.

Harry was in the middle of his tour of his new album and I knew, he had his performance tomorrow in London. Ot was already midnight, so I closed the lights and tried to sleep, thinking about tomorrow's day.

I woke up and checked my phone, it was 8:30. I rubbed my eyes and walked in the bathroom to have a hot shower. After that, I got dressed and went to a restaurant to have my break fast. My heart was beating heavily for many reasons, one ofcourse being Harry and second I didn't knew London at all.


It was 5 pm and the gate opens at 6:30, so I knew I had to get going. I wanted to look casual, so I wore.

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