The Box

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The box the widow gave me held a secret
One that no one could know.
I open the lid
And looked inside.

I saw a vile, and a necklace the shape of a tear
For some reason,I was trembling in fear.
Her words echo throughout my head
Ringing like a bell repeating what she said.

I start to cry, not knowing why
When a light so bright appears.
I blink, wondering where I am
Then I know.
It is the Land of the Dead

Shadows weep and wallow
Spirits cry and sob
Saying that they don't belong.

The tear drop on my neck takes the
Tears of these beings
Now knowing I am to do
With my life
My desinty
My name

Leaving me no choice but
To collect these tears and
Put them in a collection.

That vile is for these tears
To collect the and put them back in
Here, back into the Box
Until the next Guardian appears.

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