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The rain falls from my window
Running down like tears
Washing blood away from the street.
The widow next door cries her eyes,
I think she is the reason for the rain coming down like tears.

Everyday, I pass by,
I hear nothing but sobs
Coming from her house
Never caring for her lawn.

I go to her house and knock on the
I see her face,
Slick with tears and blood.
She pulls me in, and sits down
With the pitter patter of rain
And claps of thunder.

She pulls out a picture and a dusty old Box.
She tells me about her fate
And gives me the box, saying
I'm fresh blood.

She says that life is a white cloud
Just passing by.
But with Death is near
That cloud becomes dark
Leaving tears to come out and blood to pour.

She takes out a knife.
And puts it to her chest
"Look inside the box, your destiny is
Big. Never forget these words'
Your next."

She pushes the knife deep in her chest
Spilling blood and making a mess
I called the police
And go to her grave.

I feel her deep inside me.
I take the box and go to my room
Seeing what she left
Shocked me so true.

I know she is with me
When the rain falls
They are her tears
That is full of Death and love

They pour down my window
Coming down my cheek
They say that your eyes is the Windows to your soul.
These tears is full of
And Love.

Tear DropsWhere stories live. Discover now