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(N/A: okay I'm back sorry for the brake I was very tired,thanks for waiting enjoy💜 <this will be short tho due to me still being on break>)


Y/n: JIMIN!!!

Jungkook comes around the corner and his eyes widen and him and jimin turn around flushed. You start to hear everyone running from downstairs to upstairs but jungkook yells at the to stay down.

Jungkook: jimin go downstairs

I watched as jimin walks by the stair case with his Mochi hands placed on his face. While Jungkook is still faced the other way.

Jungkook: y/n, get your clothes on

Y/n: u-um yeah okay...

I can hear jungkook Head downstairs, while I finish getting dressed. I awkwardly walk downstairs and stop in front of the kitchen door. Considering if I should go in or not. I slowly open the door, I hear no one speaking. I see everyone's face, and they seem to also have a awkward look on their faces.

Y/n: I'll just go back upstairs..

Jimin: IM SORry...I didn't mean to see you *softly coughs*

Y/n: it's fine mistakes happen,

Suga: close your door better next time we're over

Y/n: noted

Jin: please stay and eat with us, I made pancakes, eggs-

Y/n: wait jungkook told me he made breakfast

Jungkooks eyes widen, Jin goes over and smacks his head.

Jin: how dare you take credit for my work

Jimin laughs.

Y/n: well thanks for the food Jin and jungkook at least thankyou for coming to get me to eat with you all.

Jungkook flushes.
Jimin looks at jungkook, and does some hand movements. When he doesn't get a reaction out of jungkook. He goes over to jungkook and whispers in his ear. Then pushes him over to me. He stands in front of me very flustered. He is acting so shy and cute it's making me blush.

The thing that got me most, is..that he hugged me. The first skin-ship we ever had. The rest of the boys "woooo" for jungkook. He backs up itching the back of his neck.

What surprises me most is what I did. I pull him back into a hug. I look at everyone and they're eyes are wide. I chuckle and snuggle my face into chest and chuckle.


(N/A: sorry if some words are wrong I didn't check over it well😂)

[My Babysitter is an idol]// JJK FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon