Meanwhile Kenny brought the gang to the ruins and showed them statues of Dialga and Palkia. "This is Solaceon Ruins," said Kenny "the ruins of a temple where people used to pay tribute to Dialga and Palkia". Now the gang knew what Kenny meant. "It's still feels a bit unfair to me that there are no statues of Giratina about" said Ash. "Yes but Gardenia did tell us that Giratina caused trouble because of its violence" said Brock. "Yeah" said Ash. Dawn noticed Unown writing on the statues and both of them read 'Friend when every life meets another life, something will be born'. "Hey that's what the ruins we saw with the champion Cynthia read before" said Tomo. "You're right" said Brock. "Wait, you met the champion Cynthia?" asked Kenny, in surprise. "My journey has been more adventurous and exciting than yours Kenny" boasted Dawn. "Hey Ash let's have a battle now" said Kenny. "Here?" asked Ash "Okay but we must be careful not to hit the statues by mistake". Kenny agreed. "Who will attack first?" asked Kenny. "We'll have my coin toss application help us on that" said Ash, getting his coin toss ready. "What, you have a coin toss application?" asked Kenny. "Yes and so does Dawn and Tomo," answered Ash "don't you?" Kenny admitted he didn't. Dawn felt like laughing because she had something Kenny didn't; she liked to tease him back. Ash picked heads and Kenny picked tails and Ash won so he got to attack first.

Ash sent out his Turtwig to battle and Kenny sent out a new pokemon, a Breloom. Ash knew that Breloom was part fighting type as well as grass so they had to be careful. "Turtwig start off with tackle" said Ash. Turtwig tackled Breloom hard before it could dodge. Breloom attacked next with mach punch and Turtwig got punched well. "Okay Turtwig let's use energy ball" said Ash. "Counter with your energy ball Breloom" he said. The two grass pokemon fired energy ball attacks and the attacks collided with each other. "So your Turtwig knows energy ball?" said Kenny. "Yes he has picked up some new moves thanks to my other grass pokemon" said Ash.

Meanwhile, the Galactic members walked deeper and deeper into the ruins with Team Rocket on their tail. The members came to a chamber and on the floor was an ancient drawing. The blue haired member ordered the green haired members to place some plates on the squares of the drawing. These plates were like the same plates that Ash had been collecting. The members had plates called the splash plate, the iron plate and the draco plate. Once the plates were in place the drawing lit up and so did the Unown letters on the wall. Team Rocket came out of their hiding. "All right who are you and what's going on here?!" demanded Jessie. "Allow me to introduce myself," said the blue haired member "I am Saturn a commander of Team Galactic. And I am here to make a start of Team Galactic's quest". A golden cube came out of the drawing and then the real Unown came from out of the walls. "Unown, the cube that you guard contains the power we need to change the world" said Saturn. He took the cube in his hand, but then the Unown got ready to attack to stop Saturn. "Bronzor confuse ray" said Saturn. Bronzor's confuse ray attack made all of the Unown confused and Team Galactic left the chamber. Because of their confusion the Unown became very angry and started to fire hidden power about. They all had different types of hidden power like water, fire, psychic, ghost, steel, rock, etc.

The Unown's hidden power attacks started to fire out of the ruins and Dawn noticed it. Suddenly the stairs she, Aipom, Smoochum and Piplup had been sitting on all this time began to move up; the stairs were also a doorway into the ruins. The boys noticed it and rushed to try and help. There was worse to come. Piplup and Smoochum lost their grips on the stairs and started to fall. Aipom tried to safe them but she lost her grip on the stairs too and all three pokemon fell into the ruins. Dawn jumped in to safe the pokemon. The boys saw this and they luckily got into the ruins before the door closed on them.

At that time the Unown was staring at Team Rocket; they thought they stole the cube. "Let's run!" shouted Jessie, and Team Rocket did.

Team Galactic had left the ruins by a helicopter; happy with their successful find.

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