Back with the gang Dawn and Piplup were still having trouble with spinning without getting dizzy. "Oh dear," said Dawn "maybe Piplup and I should try something else for the pokemon contest". Piplup felt down because he was failing a lot. Just then Ash's Piplup started to speak. "What's up with your Piplup Ash?" asked Dawn. "My Piplup says that he will have a work out with your Piplup Dawn," said Ash "as my Piplup is a bit stronger than yours he will help out your Piplup a bit". Dawn's Piplup liked that idea and he wanted to do it. "But Ash since your Piplup is stronger than mine; it will be too rough for my Piplup" said Dawn, worriedly. "Dawn training with tougher pokemon helps a weak pokemon grow up," said Ash "and since Tomo's, Brock's and my pokemon are strong they'll be a good example for your pokemon". "Ash is right Dawn," said Brock "just like how journeying with us will make you stronger". Dawn still didn't feel sure about this, but Dawn's Piplup was eager to train, so she agreed. She asked Ash's Piplup not to go so hard on her Piplup and told her Piplup to do what Ash's Piplup tells him to do. The two Piplups went off to train together somewhere. Dawn was still uneasy about this but the boys told her that everything would be okay.

Back with Team Rocket, Jessie and James captured twenty Starly's. "You think twenty is enough?" asked Meowth. "We can't go over the top Meowth," said James "there are still plenty of other Sinnoh pokemon that we'll need to catch. So twenty Starly's will be enough for our first capture". Meowth got the point. "What pokemon shall we go for next?" asked Jessie. James looked out his pictures of Sinnoh region pokemon. "I say we go for Shinx," he said, showing the picture to the others, "it evolves into Luxio and then Luxray". "That's perfect," said Jessie "those tough cat pokemon will make Team Rocket look tough". "Then let's hunt for Shinx" said Jessie. The trio agreed.

By now Dawn's Piplup got a good work out with Ash's Piplup, having a swimming race in the pond, attacking rocks with bubble beam and pound, and Dawn's Piplup also practiced his spinning without getting dizzy. Thanks to the exercise Dawn's Piplup perfected the routine spinning while doing bubblebeam. "You were right Ash," said Dawn "having Piplup train with your Piplup did make him stronger and confident". "Told you Dawn," said Ash "my pokemon will be happy to train any pokemon you catch on this journey".

So with a successful day of training, Dawn felt ready now for her first pokemon contest.

One night Ash was having a strange dream. He was in some strange underground cave. It was dark and he couldn't see anything. Suddenly sixteen rectangular plates appeared in front of him and then they started to fly away together. Ash chased after them and suddenly he ended up in some strange ruined ruins. Suddenly the ruins and the sixteen began to glow, while Ash just looked on in surprise.

Suddenly Ash got woken up by a scream; it was Dawn screaming about her bed head. The boys ended up learning about Dawn's fussiness of how she looked especially with her hair. And they learnt of how she hated it when her hair was in a mess. Ash felt relieved he was born a boy in case he would have been fussy as a girl. Another thing the boys learnt about Dawn was that she always says 'no need to worry' when there's a problem or something like that.

Brock was sorting out breakfast with Ash and Tomo setting the table. Brock had a new pokemon on his team called a Croagunk; he captured it yesterday. Croagunk was a dark blue frog like, poison and fighting type, pokemon with black markings, white stripes across the tummy, orange cheeks and two orange fingers and it had yellow eyes.

Tomo looked at Croagunk on the pokedex; Croagunk, the toxic mouth pokemon. Its cheeks hold poison sacs. It tries to catch foes off guard to jab them with toxic fingers.

Croagunk was a bit of a creepy looking pokemon but this Croagunk liked Brock and it wanted to go with him, and that was how Brock captured him.

Dawn was soon tidied up and ready for breakfast. To fix up her hair she had her Piplup use bubble beam on it and her hair became neat and tidy and clean. She knew by now of how great a cook Brock was and she was looking forward to his food. "So what are we going to do today?" asked Dawn. "Well the training and getting ready for the contest has been done," said Ash "so all that's left to do now is get to Jubilife City". "And we are not far now from there so we can get there by today" said Brock. Dawn was happy to hear that.

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