The next day it was the start of Ash's aura training. Queen Ilene had allowed Riley and Ash to use the castle grounds and the forest to use for their training. Ash wasn't wearing his hat and hoodie. "Okay Ash the first thing we are going to do is meditate," said Riley "meditating will connect you more with your inner aura". So Ash, Riley and Lucario sat crossed leg on the grass to meditate. Pikachu just laid down on the grass to watch. "Concentrate Ash," said Riley "do not let anything, even the slightest noise, distract you". Ash did as he was told; he had meditated before and he knew how important it was to concentrate while meditating. "Good Ash" said Riley.

After the meditating was finished Riley decided to test Ash and his aura. "Okay Ash what you'll be doing now is walking your way through the forest to where there is a rock in the shape of a Pidgey and coming back again," he said "but you will be doing it blindfolded and you have to use your aura to see where you are going". This was to test to see how good Ash was using his aura to see where he was going. Riley placed a blind fold over Ash's eyes, and then he went off into the forest himself. Pikachu stayed behind with Riley and Lucario; he was worried about Ash, but he believed in him.

So Ash started to walk in the forest alone. With the blindfold over his eyes it couldn't see where he was going, so he concentrated to use his aura. "I can do this," said Ash "I know I can because the aura is we me". It was then Ash saw his surroundings, thanks to the aura, and he made his way to the Pidgey shaped rock and made it back to Riley, Lucario and Pikachu. "Phew," sighed Ash "that was quite a challenge, especially since I was blindfolded". "It's for a good cause Ash," said Riley "if you get lost in the dark or in the fog, your aura will lead you the way". Ash understood; after all, his aura had helped him in a cave and a building before. "Now Ash I will be doing more tests with you and something else," said Riley "are you willing to go through them?" "I am," said Ash "I made a promise to an old friend, before he died, that I would train my aura, and I will do it no matter how long it takes and no matter what it takes". Riley liked Ash's determination and promised him that they will be working hard.

So Ash got through his first day of aura training, but he still had more work to go through.

Over the days Ash worked hard on his aura training. After doing meditating with Riley and Lucario, Ash would be doing more practicing with aura. Riley still tested him with having to use aura to see where he was going blindfolded and he even had him use it to see where he was going at night time when it got pitch black outside with no moon to light the way. And when the foggy days came Riley also had Ash use his aura to find his way through the mists and fog. Ash was happy to be practicing this; he knew that this would be very helpful in the future like it had been in the past.

One day Ash and Riley were meditating again. "Today Ash you will begin learning a very difficult thing for aura users" said Riley. "What is it?" asked Ash. Before Riley could reply Pikachu came running up; he had been in the forest. "What's wrong Pikachu?" asked Ash. Pikachu started talking away in panic. "Sorry Riley," said Ash, standing up, "Pikachu said that a pokemon is in danger and I must help it at once. Lead the way Pikachu". Pikachu started to run into the forest and Ash followed him. Riley and Lucario followed too.

They came to a river, which was rampaging dangerously. Pikachu pointed to a small pokemon clinging onto a rock in the middle of the river. It was a black, blue and yellow pokemon and it resembled a lion cub. "That pokemon is a Shinx," said Riley "it must have fallen into the river". The river was too deep and dangerous to get to Shinx. Ash used his psychic power to get Shinx out of the water and to him. Riley and Lucario watched with amazement. "You weren't kidding about your psychic powers being useful Ash" said Riley. Poor Shinx was cold from being in the river and shivered in Ash's arms. "We need to get this little guy warm and fast" said Ash.

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