|4| Still hurting

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|4|Still hurting

The sounds of screaming and terror filled the air as a pair of dull (e/c) orbs slowly opened, the screaming was all the human could hear as they began to adjust from the sudden frontal attack of icy air. The commander's hand reaching up to cradle their head as they slowly slid down the pod's interior and sat down, their body leaning gently against the circular walls. (Y/n) slowly rubbed the slumber from her eyes as she began to look around at her surroundings at last, the white coloration of the room bringing her into focus as the familiar color brought her comfort.

Though the color was comforting, the strange decor and patterns of the presumed medical bay was quite foreign to the still inert woman. Her eyes slowly gliding over her unfamiliar surroundings as to not trigger another mind splitting headache, the screaming that had awoken her prior from her comatose state still rang through the room as she slowly came back into focus, the sounds no longer a background noise as she stood. Her body wobbling for a moment until she was steady, her feet carrying her out of the room and into a large elongated hallway.

Groaning in response to the length of the corridor, the commander slowly began her trek into the vast unfamiliar interior. She was clueless as she blindly walked for what seemed as if it were that of hours rather than the miniscule minutes it took her to walk the grounds. She was confused and nearly blind to her surroundings. It was too late for her to realize what was happening by the time her sluggish body had began to fall. Her body falling to the side as she fell through a door that opened the moment her hand made contact with the door. Her eyes shot open as she fell to the ground, her head hurtling towards the cold white floor as she fell into the room. Her body rolling slightly as she pulled her arms over her head as fast as she could to prevent further damage as her headache spiked from her sudden movements as she grumbled in pain.

Though her fall had caused a dull thud, it seemed that nobody was present to witness the fall of the female, that was until she felt the rushing of feet coming towards her form as their metal clad shoes slammed against the equally metal flooring. The being seemed to skid to a stop as they crouched down beside the commander, their hands gently lifting up the in shock human as they pulled her into a bridal position before she felt herself being lifted up, the person holding them into their torso as the female slowly released her head and looked up at her rescuer. Confusion laced her features as deep purple eyes peered back into her own dull (e/c) lenses before she could no longer see as darkness invaded her vision once again.

~=Keith's POV=~

I wasn't sure when it had happened or how, much less the cause of our current situation. We had received a distress beacon on a nearby planet that we had thought to be uninhabited, but we were soon proven wrong by the scene we had witnessed the moment we landed the castle ship.


Horror filled screams of sorrow and pain invading our ears as one by one the other paladins and the alteans of the ship had began to scream as well and hold their heads. I wasn't sure what had happened but I heard footsteps; though sluggish and clumsy, they were fast approaching. I don't know who it was but I had seen the blast before I heard it, blue light flying past my head as it hit the target I was unaware of but the moment I turned, horror became the only thing I felt as I rushed forwards to catch the falling body of the very woman we had been restless about since we pulled her from her pod. Her head recoiling from the sudden force before she fell to the floor. Her features were confused as she was lifted into my arms, her gaze staring into my dark orbs, reflecting her confusion, my own as to who was the one who freely shot our friend and why. But when I did turn to my fellow paladins, I wanted to cry.

I'm strong, yeah. And I usually don't cry but what I saw broke my heart and confused me greatly.

To be continued......


Yeah, short chapter but this is way overdue and I just needed to update before I completely loose my inspiration. Anyway, I usually don't do this but I'll give a preview of the next chapter. Until next time~.

Ciao, loves!







That's all I saw in their eyes as I quietly looked at them from inside the altean cell, one of my fellow paladins next to me in the cell for nobody was sure who had shot the commander we had missed for years and worried for their safety as we couldn't, wouldn't, accept that they were dead. I didn't know who shot her either and I was scared that I did it. I didn't want to be the reason she was dead or, from what I've been told, severely unstable. I would rather unstable than dead. It was too much for me to handle.

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