|1| The tides of change

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|1|The tides of change

Everything had changed after the captain and only solo pilot of the Garrison had gone missing. Her shuttle lost into the depths of space and the woman deemed dead. The goal was to reach the Andromeda galaxy but the pod had lost all contact once it had left the gravitational pull of the sun in the milky way. Mission Andromeda was deemed failed and had been all but forgotten.

It wasn't till after the announcement of the shuttle's disappearance did the world realize the reality of the situation. The beloved captain and friend had been lost. The ones closest to the woman had suffered the most.

Keith, the once top fighter pilot in the Garrison, had grown distant and dropped out of the academy.

Shiro had been dispatched to Kerberos and had been missing for several months, nearly a year. Mission Kerberos "failed" just as mission Andromeda had all that time ago.

In place of the lost captain's team, the remaining three were placed together and into a rag tag team of misfits. Lance had grown to cover his sorrow for loss of the two with a flirtatious attitude. Pidge had grown distant and easily agitated by most everyone. The loss of her family, (y/n), and shiro a burden on the young girl. Hunk had grown to be a nervous wreck, constantly feeling as if he were to puke at any given moment.

They all felt helpless, knowing there was nothing to be done about the disappearances.


~× No one's POV ×~

The short amber eyed human known to the Garrison as Pidge Gunderson sat in the room she resided in since she had began her time in the the Garrison, her lap top like gadget positioned in her lap as she stared intently at the screen. The room a mess of wires and other technology that she either put together herself or swiped from the Garrison.

Her eyes trailing up to look at the white walls opposite of her own position, regret immediately lacing itself into her features as she peered at the vacant, dust covered portion of the once shared room. Pictures once hung with care, now laminated and placed carefully along the walls as it once was when the deceased captain had inhabited the room.

A uniform sat neatly folded in the middle of the made bed, a captain's hat placed with care on top of it, and black boots in perfect condition all sat next to the uniform. Untouched and untainted.

Pidge hadn't dared to touch the side that had once belonged to her beloved captain and one of her closet friends. (Y/n) (l/n). The female could see the badges glinting softly under the calming lights in the ceiling, a green pin catching her eyes as she looked at it with sorrow. It was a silly little thing but Pidge had personally given the object to the other, a present as a congratulations when the higher ups had given the news that the female was to be sent to gather data on the galaxy that had initially been her doom.

Ripping her eyes from the memory, the female placed the computer under her arm and gathered the rest of her gear as she trekked to the roof to continue her research on the strange messages she had been receiving over and over for the past few weeks. It always repeated one word.


That was all the technician could gather from the scrambled messages. As the female sat on the roof with headphones over her messy hair and stared at the screen once more, ferociously typing. She didn't hear the pair of approaching footsteps as they neared her until a hand pulled the headphones from her head causing her to let out a startled gasp as she glared at the other.

"You come up here to rock out?" Asked a voice.

A lanky Cuban and a large Samoan she immediately recognized as Lance and Hunk stood behind her on the roof, she found that Hunk was the one who had pulled off the headset.

"Man, where'd you get this stuff? It doesn't look like Garrison tech." Inquired the Samoan male as he peeked over her shoulder.

The short brunette let out a sigh as she realized they wouldn't be leaving her alone anytime soon. "I built it."

"You built all of this?" Asked hunk in astonishment as he reached out to touch the various gadgets strewn across the small space around Pidge.

"Ah- stop it! With this thing, I can scan all the way to the edge of the solar system." She stated as she smacked his hand away.

"That right? All the way to Kerberos and Andromeda?" Lance received a groan in response from the female, so he continued. "You go ballistic every time the instructors bring it up. I know it's not just because of the captain, what's your deal?"

"Second warning, Hunk!" She stated in an irritated tone, receiving a groan from Hunk this time around. The conversation carries on with the pair badgering the blind student before she gave in and explained why she was up there and the strange alien chatter about something called Voltron. The trio was soon interrupted by the loud speakers from the Garrison initiating lockdown.

As the Garrison's alarms blared, a ship came into view in the sky, rocketing through the atmosphere. It wasn't one of theirs. So what was it? As the trio watched it land and the Garrison begin to set up parameters, the group began to sneak in as they watched the scene unfold before them.

"Guys, you might wanna see this... I'm picking up some feed from inside the tent." Pidge stated as the other two crowded next to her to peer at the screen. Words lost in throats as they watched the thrashing male on the table inside, he seemed to warn the Garrison of something before they injected him with a sleeping serum. They had no words as they silently agreed on one thing.

They needed to get him out.


Hey Hey! It's me! Back again with another chapter, I just hope it's not too shitty so I hope y'all like it, until next time.

Ciao, loves!!!

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