Chapter 1~ You come here often?

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Rose ^^^

Rose POV




It's finally happening. I'm finally moving to California.

I check and see if I have everything. Neck pillow, headphones, stuffed animal? Yep, all good. The flight is gonna be long, considering I'm flying from Ohio to Cali. God, you should've seen the flight from Paris to Ohio!

I was born and raised in Paris, but for my 18th birthday I moved to America and lived with my aunt and uncle. It's been three years since I moved away from home. I miss it, but I'm glad I left. Now I fully understand English, and some people don't even know I'm french.

4 hours later

After a long and painful flight, we finally landed. Oh my god, It feels good to stand. I grab my suit case and leave the airport. On my way to my new apartment, I head to a close starbucks. I get in my rental and drive. The streets of L.A. are so beautiful. So many friendly faces. Well, some friendlier than others. But I choose not to get angry, for this is my day. It's ma big day! I laugh at that saying, though I can't remember who says it.

I finally make it to the best place on God's green earth...Starbucks. What?! I'm a white girl after all!

I walk in the store and smell the heavenly blend of coffee beans and chocolate. I get in line and wait my turn, like that good little angel I am.

Ha! I didn't believe it either

As I'm reading my options, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a tall, blonde, muscular boy with my phone in his hand. Instantly I know who he is, who doesn't?! He's #1 trending on twitter every other day. But, I'm not starstruck because I'm not apart of the "Logang"

I'm not being rude, I just could never find the time to watch his videos. "Excuse me miss, you dropped your- woah! You're Rose Armand!" The blue eyed boy says, stunned. It's crazy to thing I could stun someone that cute. Who said that?

"Um yes, I am. Thanks for my phone" He finally comes back to his senses "Oh yeah, sorry. So, are you knew to the area? Of course you are, I watch your vlogs. Okay that sounded creepy. Uhhhh"

I giggle at his nervousness and twirl my necklace. I always do when I'm nervous. Crap! He saw me do it! He watches my vlogs so he knows I'm nervous. I quickly blush and put my hands behind my back like I'm kindergartner going to lunch. We just kinda stare at each other for a moment, but I don't mind. We do this until it's my turn to order my drink

"May I have a vanilla bean frap with one pump of vanilla sugar, please"

"Yes ma'am, and Logan, the usual?" "Yes please"

"So, you come here often?" He raises his eyebrows and smirks and I realize what I said. I feel my cheeks get red and I twirl my necklace. "No no no, I-I just meant b-be-because you have a usual so I-" He giggles and my chest gets warm. "Nah, I get it. And stop looking so cute when you blush"

Uh oh, someone did a no-no

He's eyes go wide and his face turn as red as my fingernails. "I-I-I"

I giggle as we get our drinks. "Ya know, usually I would go home and drink this, but do you want to sit and chat?"

"Well, I don't see why not!"

And off we go, talking about the most random things. From our favorite smells, to childhood memories, favorite sport, favorite movie, celebrity crush, and so much more.

"My celebrity crush is young Leo Dicaprio" Logan says, acting like a valley girl

"I guess that makes me Rose then" He blushes again. Ah Logan. So cute, so stupid. "Because that's my name" I can see the gears in his head turn. "OHHH! YOU'RE FUNNY!" he screams. I smack his arm playfully. "Shutup dummy" He smirks his mischievous smirk. Uh oh. "WHAT? YOU DON'T LIKE ME YELLING?" he screams at the top of his lungs, and the weird hipster kids give us a weird look. "You're so stupid" I put my head in my hands but I'm still laughing pretty hard. "What can I say, I'm a Maverick baby! I don't care about rules."

We talk for what seems like forever until we hear someone clear their throat "Excuse me, but you have to leave. It's time for us to close. Logan scoffs in disbelief. "What?! It can't be! We got here at my one so it's-" "10 pm" the manager cuts in. We stare at each other until we break out in laughter. We finally leave the both and I notice both are butt prints are very noticeable.

I start to leave the coffee shop, but my foot is asleep. I fall, only to be caught by Logan. He pulls my upright and we both blush. "I- uh- should probably get home.. My roommates are probably worried sick." Speechless, I nod.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" "Sure! You've got my number in your phone" I gave him my number before we left.

Without warming he pulls me into a hug, and I melt. I smell his scent of peppermint and I drool a little. Everywhere he touches feels warm, and I feel 10 pounds lighter, Unfortunately, he has to let go sometime. "Well I'm see you later, Rose!" "See you later Logan!" And like that, his G wagon pulls out of the parking lot and he's gone.

When I get to my apartment, I remember I don't have a bed. Guess I'm sleeping on the floor!

Before I fall asleep, I get a message
Logan 😊: Crap, bad news
Rose: What's wrong?
My heart is racing right now
Logan 😊: Paparazzi got pictures of us in the booth, and got pictures of us hugging
Rose: Oh crap. Send the article
He sends a link and I click right away
Youtubers Logan Paul and Rosemary Armand on date?! Logan with 17 million subscribers and Rosemary with 1 million are caught eating together and hugging.
Rose: Oh my god
Logan 😊: I know
Rose: I can't deal with this right now. Goodnight, sweet dreams!
Logan 😊: Sweet Dreams Rose
I put all my thoughts on the situation to the side, and finally doze off on my L.A. apartment floor.

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