Chapter 15: Stage Fright and Stranger Flight

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    "I don't want to, mama." V clung to Chichi's pant, tears shimmering in her eyes "there's even more people out there today." V whimpered.

"Oh, Veroca, don't be ridiculous, this is not nearly as bad as anything you've had to do in the past." Chichi knelt down and looked V in the eye "now you're gonna go out there and you're gonna do everything we practiced." Chichi took V's hands in hers and offered a smile "okay, Veroca?" V looked out at the crowd and back to Chichi. As much as everything in V told her to turn away from this, to run and hide to her desert, she wanted her new mom to like her more than she wanted to run.

"Okay, mama." V sighed and walked to the edge of the stage as Mandy stepped off, applause followed her and V bit her lip.

"Now we'll greet Veroca Son." The announcer threw his hand out and V walked out just like they had practiced.

"Veroca is the adopted daughter of Chichi and Goku Son, Goku was a champion in the 23rd world martial arts tournament, the very same tournament the two love birds were engaged." V ignored the other people clapping as she made her way across the stage. V stopped beside the man with the microphone and folded her hands in front of her in her best imitation of Mandy but she felt it was still poorly done.

"Hello, miss Veroca." The announcer said "how are you doing today?"

"Fine." V said timidly.

Gohan watched from the audience, he wanted to save V from this. Gohan didn't need his exceptional perception of V to tell him how uncomfortable and scared V was up on stage, he could see it on her face.

"A little nervous are we?" The announcer tried to make V laugh, no one enjoyed seeing a scared little girl on stage.

"I... I'm having fun." V only half lied, she had enjoyed meeting Mandy and learning more about Earthlings, she even enjoyed the time Chichi was spending with her but being in front of these people is what made V cringe.

"So, Veroca. Since this is your first pageant what have you been up to these last years?" The announcer laughed good naturedly knowing what a silly question that was considering V was only five years old.

"Fighting, and being a planet pirate." V answer honestly. She smiled at the announcer who struggled to hold onto his smile. The crowd was silent. Chichi groaned and grabbed at her hair.

"I mean, I dance and sing in my house and I'm homeschooled with my brother." V corrected herself.

"I see." The announcer laughed "do you like to play pretend a lot?"

"Yes?" V asked more than answered sliding her eyes to Chichi for a better answer. Chichi nodded with a hopeful smile.

"What little girl doesn't, am I right?" The announcer said.

"Alright, so tell me, Veroca, what do you like about pageants so far?" The announcer held the microphone to V.
V looked out at the crowd and at the other girls, at Gohan and then her eyes finally found Chichi standing against the wall with her finger nails in her mouth.

"I get to spend time with my mom." V beamed at Chichi. Chichi's hand fell from her mouth where she had been chewing her nails.

"Isn't that sweet." The announcer and audience awed. Chichi just stared at V, she hadn't anticipated that question or that answer. Gohan stood on his chair and clapped with Bulma. Chichi just watched V. V never lost her smile even when the minutes seemed to drag on.

"Let's give her a hand everybody." The announcer began clapping and the audience followed suit. The lights went out and screams erupted all around. V could hear it all, the rustling of sacks and the light footsteps of fighters. V tilted her head when one came close and snatched the announcer away. V monitored Gohan and Chichi above all else, even as one wrapped his arm around her neck and held something to her head.

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