I could hear his smile through the phone as he said, "On my way."

He was there in no time, since he didn't live that far from the Curtis house.

He picked me up in his car and began to drive me home.

We were in deep conversation about the sleepover I was at.

"Yes! And that main girl ummm."


"Caroline, yeah she called Lollipop a mute I mean that was just awful."

"Okay, Lollipop didn't deserve that, but did you tell Mrs. Karen?"

"Well, no, I tried but she believed her daughters word over mine."

He kissed my head and said, "Don't worry, babe, Lollipop will be fine."

"Yeah, but what if she's not. She has to sleep in a tent with those brats."

He shrugged and replied, "Maybe they'll be nice to her who knows."

I rolled my eyes, he was no help at all.

"Look, Evie, we're here."

I looked up to see my front porch lights were on which means my parents are up.

I was probably going to get in trouble, but I was going to make something up.

Steve pecked my lips and said, "Goodnight, I love you."

I smiled before getting out and replied, "I love you to."

I closed the door and watched him drive off in the distance and I waved.

I walked inside and decided to call the Curtis house.

It wasn't a work night, so they were probably all up still.

I tiptoed back to my room and sat in my comfortable ballerina pajamas.

Suddenly, I grabbed my phone and dialed the Curtis residence.

They were quick to answer, "Hello?"

"Hey, this is Evie."

"Oh hey, Evie, it's Sodapop. Do you need something?"

"No, I really just need to talk to you I guess about tonight."

"Well, what happened?"

"There were just all the girls there were so mean to Lollipop."

"Like how mean?"

"Well to start they were calling her a mute and one little girl named Caroline was just so mean to her. She bossed her around and acted like everything that went wrong was Lollipop's fault."

"What's her name again?"

"Caroline Smith."

"Doesn't her mom run the ballet dance studio for her?"

"Yeah, Mrs. Karen."

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"Well, I tried, but she took her daughters side."

"Okay, well when you pick up Lollipop tomorrow please bring her home."

"I will. Thanks, Soda, Goodnight."

"G'night, Evie."

I hanged up the phone and looked out my window hoping she would be fine.

The Next Morning...

I rolled over looking at my alarm clock.


It was almost eleven o'clock, and I was supposed to pick her up at eight.

Lollipop CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now