Chapter Eight: Homely

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Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy the chapter!


On the way to the camp that Toby was talking about we rarely came across any walkers. There were a couple of incidents where we were cornered but we managed.

By the time we arrived I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. They sent him out a lot farther than I had imagined, we definitely should watch our backs.

Besides the groups horrible parenting I was stunned when we got a clear view of the camp. They were staying in small, homely cabins that seemed like they were built yesterday.

"We're home!" Said Toby as he turned around to smile at us. These people did seem like they knew what they were doing but regardless we can't trust them.

We followed Toby to the center of the camp where there was a huge fire pit. He told us to wait there while he went to go find his dad who, I'm assuming, is the leader of the group. This should be interesting.

Hyun and I took a seat on one of the cleanly trimmed logs that surrounded the fire. I had my hand resting near a pistol that was loosely wedged in my belt just in case we were ambushed or betrayed.

My shaking from early today had calmed down but I could feel it slowly returning as my heart began to race. Hyun looked at me and put a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Everything is going to be okay... hopefully they'll let us stay for the night," she said. I nodded not really knowing what to say.

It didn't take long for Toby to come back and when he did come back he brought a smiling, jolly looking man with him. He looked like a typical dad with the long beard and small strands of gray hair covering his head but there was something about him that gave me the chills.

"Wow they're younger than I expected!" He said in a surprised tone. I stood up and so did Hyun, we looked at each other than looked back at him. Now that I was standing I think I realized what gave me the chills. This man was very, very tall... either that or Hyun and I are just really short. "Well then! Let's get you guys situated. There is an empty cabin over there!" He said pointing to a very sad looking cabin in the corner. "And my wife is preparing dinner at the moment. We will ring a bell when it's ready."

I stepped forward about to say something but Hyun quickly stepped in front of me and smiled. "Thank you," She said. The man smiled back but he didn't move, he just stood there.

"Before I go I should probably tell you my name," He said. "My name is Victor, and what's yours?"

"I'm Hyuna and this is Oliver!" I can't believe she just gave our names away to a stranger...

We all shook hands. Then Hyun grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to our cabin. She seemed kind of mad even though I don't think I did anything wrong. "I'm going to sleep a little before we have dinner. Oliver can you please not do anything stupid? Just stay calm and have a little faith in these people alright?!"

"I'll try..." I said crossing my arms as she turned around and stormed into the cabin.

Gently, I seated myself on the step and leaned against the railing. The breeze felt good on my face and I enjoyed the soothing atmosphere. Maybe we really did find a place to stay after all...

After a while of sitting there I got bored and began doodling in the dirt with a stick. I've always been fascinated with space and just the idea of the galaxy in general. I enjoy drawing planets and other small things like that.

A while later they rang the bell indicating that it was time for dinner. I wasn't all that hungry but I figured I should eat something anyway seeing as I've been surviving off sugar and carbs so far.

I walked inside our cabin to wake up Hyun, she needs to eat too. The cabin that we were staying in looked almost worse on the inside. The wallpaper and paint on the walls was torn and chipped off. The thing that I noticed the most though were the scratch marks on the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. They gave me bad vibes about this place but maybe they were from past accidents or something.

As I made my way through the small house I began to feel more and more creeped out. When I finally found the bedrooms I knocked on both of the doors. There was shuffling coming from the door on the left so that's the one I opened. Hyun was in the bed sleeping soundly.

I walked over to the edge of the bed and kneeled beside it. She looks so adorable when she's asleep... GAH WHAT AM I THINKING?! I'm such a creep...

Painfully I reached a hand out to shake her awake. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up. Hyun slept in the most this morning yet she seemed to be the only one who was genuinely tired.

"What do you want?" She said yawing and stretching her arms.

"It's time to eat sleepy head," I said. A smile slowly spread across my face. I haven't smiled in a while...  it felt good.


Hey everyone!

Sorry for the short episode I've had a lot on my plate. If you guys haven't read my update things on my profile you definitely should. It explains my absence and stuff like that but just incase you haven't I'll sum it up for you.

I've been having a lot of issues in my life right now that have caused this week to be hell. I'm planning to start writing chapters everyday again but they might not be as long due to existence hating me. This chapter was supposed to be up tomorrow but I couldn't stand not updating this book since hopefully most people like it.

Recently I've went back threw older chapters and attempted to fix any spelling and/or grammar mistakes I might have made, I apologize if it triggered some of you. I'm also planning on getting the first chapter of another book I'm writing out soon and that's slowed me down a bit.

I really took my time while writing this and typed every word carefully. I'm really hoping that you guys continue to love my book because I love all of your comments and things, they inspire me to keep writing.

That's really it and I'm exited to see you guys for the next chapter tomorrow!

-Astral Plane_

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