Chapter Two: Sanctuary

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Hey guys make sure to read tell the end for my update stuff! Enjoy the chapter!


My mind was spinning as we ran down my street. Davy only lives two blocks down from me so we should be to his house in no time. I don't know if he is going to be alive or not but all I can do is cross my fingers and hope.

Then something stopped Lina and I dead in our tracks. She was holding the baby more tightly than ever, so tight I don't think it could breath. I couldn't focus on that right now though, I was more focused on the thing that was wandering aimlessly around the street.

"What is that?" I asked her as I raised a finger to point at it.

She squinted then looked back at me and shrugged. "Maybe its a person, should we ask them for help?"

This was a good question... however I didn't think that we should ask him for help. He seemed very sketchy and the more time we waste here the more time we'll waste to see Davy.

"Um... we'll see if he can help us but as soon as he tells us no we are out of here." She nodded and we began to walk towards the man who was now walking in circles.

The closer we got the more we began to see him clearly. Then the man stopped spinning and slowly turned his head to look at us. To my horror there was no way this thing was human.

Lina let out a scream and ran back to where we were originally standing. The mans skin was rotten and moldy. He was missing half of his jaw and had tears and burning scars down his arms and legs.

He began to walk closer to me and mumble words I couldn't understand. I stepped back and signaled to Lina to keep running down the block.

We both sprinted for it, we ran the two blocks until finally we reached Davy's house. "What was that?!" I asked almost passing out from exhaustion.
"Actually never mind don't answer that." I put one finger to my mouth then pointed at the slightly less clean house that was in front of us.

"Oliver, are you sure this is the house?"

"Positive." And then not even bothering to knock I ran strait up to the door and opened it. "Davy!"

There was some shuffling noises upstairs. I held out a hand to make sure nobody was making noise. "We don't know what's up there." I said. I had to find a weapon.

Davy's house was completely baby proof seeing as he has a little brother so I just settled with grabbing a knife out of their dishwasher. "This is all I got but I'm not going to let anything hurt that baby. Stay here and lock the doors and windows, don't make any noise." She nodded and I proceeded to walk cautiously up the stairs. "Davy!?" I called out again before feeling like and idiot, Davy was deaf.

There was more shuffling and it seemed to be coming closer. When I got to the top of the stairs my heart was racing. I was being held at gun point.

The person behind that mask had to be Davy! It just had too. I signed to him, Davy it's me Oliver your best friend.

Are you burned or bitten? He said back. It was Davy.

No I'm not I swear! My hands were shaking more than ever.

He lowered the gun and stumbled back to the floor. Oliver, do you know what's happening out there? I've been trying really hard to listen to this crappy old radio. The news people say that whatever is in the air is starting to clear up and that it should be safe to breath it again but... I'm scared. I sat down across from him.

Show me your arm Davy I said holding out a hand. I had noticed one of his sleeves were bloodstained and his skin was pail. He gave me the other arm.

The other one...

Do I have to?

"Show me your arm!" I said out loud not meaning too.

Shakily he lifted his arm and I rolled up his sleeve. He had a huge bite mark just above his wrist.

Davy, what happens when your bitten and what were you bit by?

I'm not sure what it was but it wasn't human... do you remember that one zombie movie we went to go see before I lost my hearing? I think I'm going to turn into whatever that thing was or is.

We need to get you to a hospital! I said standing up and holding out a hand to help him. He shook his head.

It's not worth it... please just go. Those words... not worth it. I've told them to myself so many times but seeing Davy "say" them makes me want to throw up. I took a deep breath.

Please Davy, are your parents here we could take their car I want to help you...

My parents are gone but we could see if their car is still working. We don't exactly live close to a hospital.

We had to hurry, let's go. I say before turning around and walking downstairs Davy's footsteps close behind mine.

"Lina we have to get going, Davy's been bitten and- Lina?" I peaked over the corner and food was spread out everywhere.

"Oliver! We need to find her food quickly!" The baby was crying harder than ever.

"We are heading to the hospital, I'm sure that there is a large group of people there, they have to have milk or something somewhere!" She nodded and all three of us rushed into the garage.

The car was there, unbroken, almost like its never been touched. I pressed the button and the garage opened. Thank goodness there was nothing out there. "Get in!" I said as I hopped into the drivers seat. Davy opened the door for Lina, what a gentleman and then got in the other side.

I've never driven a car in my life so I was just hoping I didn't end up killing all three or I guess four of us.

Davy had grabbed the radio and had it turned up all the way. I guess he could hear somewhat.

As I drove I shook violently, I was trying to remember where the nearest hospital was and I knew we were running out of time.

Everything we drove past seemed so unrecognizable which gave me even more of the chills. Then I saw the sign that I was looking for...

<———— Eastenwing Hospital 50 miles

"We are almost there," I said. I glanced over at Davy for a quick second and started to notice his skin turning more pale and he was sweating.

I pushed harder on the pedal, Davy's life has fallen into my hands. He will live.


Hey guys!

Sorry for the weak chapter... I thought I was gonna die while writing this! Im not joking and I'm not going to say why but it was terrifying.

Anyways, I really have nothing else to update... I still don't have a posting schedule. At this point I'll probably just post whenever I feel inspired.

Hope you guys are exited for the next chapter~

- Astral Plane_

Apocalyptic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora