Chapter six: The Word Trust

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Hey everyone! Make sure to read tell the end for my updates!


I paced back and forth, my footsteps echoing off the walls. It feels like we've been trapped in here for hours and they didn't sound like they were clearing up outside... finally Hyun broke the silence.

"We should find bags and start gathering up anything we can, we have to take any chance possible to get out of here because that chance might be our only one!"

I was shaking violently and was drowning in my own sweat. If I don't find some sort of drug soon I think I'm going to lose my mind. Her words only angered me more. "What's the point?" I asked. "Th-This place has already been r-raided, there is probably nothing left..."

"Are you alright? You seem off.."

Thanks for stating the obvious...

"I'm not important, I'm fine. We need to focus on finding food, I haven't ate anything all day and you haven't either." Hyun nodded and got to her feet.

"Do you think he's going to turn into one of those things?" She said pointing at the man we had found a few hours earlier. I shook my head. His brain was destroyed... the bullet went right threw it there is no way he's turning!

"Let's get food and supplies and get out of here," I said.

We split up and began to search different rooms...

As I looked around I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it was like the place had never been touched! If the people who were here didn't come to loot the place then... why would they shoot an innocent man and leave? Or were they looking for something in particular?

While looking around I felt a strong sense that I was being watched but that would be impossible, we were sure that there was nobody else here. I shook it off and went back to grabbing anything useful. Then I heard something, there was movement close by.

It could be Hyun but it seemed like it was coming from this room. I quickly grabbed a pistol off the rack behind me and held it out in front of me. "Is someone there!?" I yelled. Maybe it was my imagination... I wasn't completely in my right mind after all.

No! There was definitely someone, I sensed movement again. "Come out! I'm not going to hurt you, you have to trust me!" I had backed away into one corner of the small room now so I could see every single area.

A small head poked out from behind the couch. He stood up and put his hands in the air. "Did you kill that cop?" I asked pointing the gun at his head. It seemed impossible for him to have murdered someone, he seemed so innocent, very young... possibly about six or seven.

He walked out from behind the couch slowly and stood in the middle of the room. "I don't know what you talking about..." He said. Then, before I could even blink, he began sprinting for the door.

I ran after him and slid in front of the door before he could open it. He struggled to get past me, I could see determination in his eyes. Thinking quickly, I tackled him to the ground. I was on top of him now pointing the gun strait at his head.

"Don't lie to me! Did you kill that man!?" I was breathing heavily. This kid was tough and he wouldn't hold still.

"Hey Oliver? Is everything al- what the hell?!" Hyun had entered the room now and stood there, shocked.

"Help me! He's insane!" Screamed the kid. I didn't move, I couldn't move. Did he really just lie in front of my face?!

"Oliver get off of him!" She said pulling me back and snatching the gun from my hand. And did Hyun actually believe what he just said? "Why don't you come with me back to the lobby? I'll make you something warm you must be freezing..."

The kid got up and followed Hyuna out of the room giving me a dirty look in the process. I laid on the ground and tried to regather whatever bits of myself I had left. I had to keep it together...

After a few minutes I got up and headed back to the lobby. We didn't even know this kid, how can we trust him?

"Hyun, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. She frowned but stood up and followed me into one of the rooms. I shut the door and made sure he couldn't hear us. "How can you trust him so easily?"

"For heaven sakes Oliver! He's a little kid! What's he going to do?!" She yelled. I put a finger to my mouth trying to signal for her to lower her voice.

"Hyun... I think he killed that man! Plus, we just met him! How do you know that he's harmless?!" She sighed and took a step closer to me.

"You know... I just met you too and I'm not really sure I can trust you either!" She said before stalking out of the room and slamming the door behind her.

There is something off about that kid, I just know it!

I spent half the night in that room, laying on the cold ground and biting my nails. I haven't ate anything for almost two days now and the longer I go without my medication the more unstable I begin the feel.

It was about midnight when I heard the door creak open. I sat up and scratched my head squinting to see who it was in the dark. "I'm sorry I yelled at you..." Said Hyun as she came and sat next to me.
"I was still a little shocked and I'm sure you were too. Please forgive me and come out of this room, it's cold in here and I found some old sleeping bags in one of the closets we can use." She smiled.

I laid back down, turned over, and curled up in a ball. "I'm fine here..." I replied.

Hyun laid down next to me and place a gentle hand on my back. "Well then I'm fine here too... I trust you Oliver and I hope you trust me."


Hey guys !

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Sorry it was a little shorter than the amount I normally write. I haven't been sleeping much lately and I've been trying to plan the plot for another book I'm working on. I hope you all understand and I also hope you guys are enjoying the book so far,

See you in the next chapter!

-Astral Plane_

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