"Princess?" The boy asked.

            I looked down at my boots, then looked up to Dr. Banner. "Please, just call me Airy. I hate formality."

            "Well, Airy, welcome to the New Avengers Initiative," he gestured to the group of people my age. "That's Elizabeth, my daughter," he pointed at the dark haired girl. "That's Unity, Steve and Shelby's daughter," he pointed at the blonde girl. "And that's Matthew, Natasha and Clint's son," he pointed at the boy, he smirked at me.

            I cleared my throat, "I'm Airethena, or Airy, and, um, I happen to be the daughter of Thor."

            "Well we're very glad you're here, Airy. We kind of need you." Dr. Banner said, giving me a small smile.

            "Yes, I've heard. Loki is back."

            Matthew put his feet on the small table in the middle, he sighed, "Yeah, well, he's not alone. Loki's got friends."

            "What do you mean?"

            "Like Director Fury assembled the Avengers, and now the New Avengers, Loki's assembled his own team," Dr. Banner picked up a file from the small table, "We've all been assigned to specific members of Loki's team. And this is yours." He handed me the file.

            I opened it, and on the inside was a large image of girl, roughly my age, maybe a little older. She didn't look frightening, all of the black was a bit much, but she looked rather normal. I lifted the image, and under it was a name. "Dark Sorceress. Who is she?"

            "We were hoping you could tell us, apparently she's Asgardian."

            "I'm sorry, I've never heard of her." I continued reading, thanks to Father I could read English. She had the control over dark magic, wonderful.

            "Do you think you and Thor will be able to handle her?" Dr. Banner asked.

            "Of course, I've dealt with much worse, Loki the prime example."

            He chuckled. "That's great news. Well, until the Starks get here, class dismissed!"

            Everyone started filling out the room, and I stood there, not knowing what to do. I'd never been here; I basically knew nothing about this whole world. I looked around the room, noticing that Matthew was still in the room. "What are you still doing here?" I asked.

            "Well I thought I'd be a gentleman, and ask if you wanted a tour around."

            "Around where?"

            He shrugged. "Anywhere, everywhere."

            A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips, "I'd like that," I looked down at the armour I was still wearing, "But maybe after I change."

            "I'll go flag down Unity or Elizabeth, see if they've got something for you," he turned to walk out the door.

            "Matthew, wait," he turned and looked at me, humming in response to his name, "Thank you."

            "No problem, Princess. And call me Matt." He walked out the door to try and find one of the girls. I smiled.


            "So you're from Asgard, and you're a princess?" Matt asked as we walked down a street surrounded by stone.

            "That would be correct. Now, why is this city filled with so much stone? Where is all the gold? Asgard is filled with it!" I looked around; there was a large stone building with columns and a statue of a man in a chair. "Where are we anyways?"

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