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My feet sprint, I am running the fastest I ever have, meaning I am the first in the cornucopia. I don't turn around to check on Albany, I can't risk that. I rummage through the bags, hearing screams from the little girl in district 9. I find a backpack with a knife in, a net, an empty bottle and some rope. Having to much will weigh me down.

"Finnick!" Someone yells my name. It's Cyprus. He won't kill me right. I duck past the district 10 boy and kick him into the cornucopia, some other tribute finishes him off and doesn't notice me. 

In front of me Cyprus is picking up a bow and arrow, his eyes are full of fear I know he is trying to hide. He starts beating up the thirteen year old girl from district eight. She doesn't deserve it. A lot of young people were reaped, the odds should have been in their favor. That's no way to die. Why, why is it too unfair? Well it's the hunger games...

"Finnick, where to?" Cyprus puts his hand on my shoulder. I shake it off at the thought of an arrow through my stomach. 

"Water. There should be a river and that will lead us to food." I tell him. He nods hesitantly.

"Meadow, come on!" Cyprus won't be leaving her side. If I attack him, I attack them both. She has more stability than I do. 

We go running behind the cornucopia, I should've taken the spear but Cyprus got to it first. I slash through the tree branches and jump over the fallen trees. There must be miles and miles of this. Last year the arena was mostly waterfall. 

We keep running and running, eventually my feet start to throb. There's no water. And how long can we run for? The arena ends. I stop by one large tree and drop to my knees. I need more time to look through the backpack. 

"What are you doing?" Meadow screams. She needs to shut that mouth of hers unless she personally wants a fight. Patience is low here in the arena. "We don't have time to stop. We need food, water, more supplies--" 

"What I need is for you to be quite." I whisper gently. "The water source must be around here. The ground is damp, so we're close." I tell them both. 

"It's OK, Meadow. I got that girl from district seven waiting by the lake. Maybe our boy Finnick can have a taste of blood for the first time." He cackles with Meadow. I fake a small smile. 

I promised Caleb I wouldn't let Melanie die. I made too many promises. They can be broken as easily as a twig. 

"Keep moving." Cyprus pushed me back onto my feet. I kept running ahead, hoping I could get to Melanie and tell her to leave. That would be my moment to kill Cyprus and Meadow, end it quickly. 


The cannon goes off, it must be the of the bloodbath already. 

I counted eleven. Only eleven? Usually at the end of a bloodbath more than half die. I want the cannon to go off. I don't want anyone hearing my cannon, because I know the gamemaker is prepared to get my cannon ready at this second. I'm sweaty and slow, just how I want them to see me. Every time that cannon goes off it's music to my ears. How can I care about them? I can't. 

"Caleb!" I'm hearing screams all over. I girl voice, perhaps it's Melanie. "Caleb!" I dodge multiple trees, sprinting faster than Meadow and Cyprus. The knife is clutched tight in my hand, slowly cutting my skin, blood ozing out. The pain disappears from my sudden rush of adrenaline. My body is coursing with electricity.

It all stops, suddenly all I am able to hear is the chirping of birds. Silence is never good. There could be jabberjays or mutts ready to pounce. 

The tree line stops and I am in another open grassland, a meadow. Ironic that I am in alliance with a girl named Meadow. 

Melanie is there, with a bow and arrow. But she isn't alone, there stands the boy from, six or ten, eighteen years old maybe? With a sword. 

I sprint to them, watching the boy practically throw his sword at her. It's a good job that Melanie ducked and dived into the grass. My hands wrap around his neck knocking the both of us to the ground. I punch his hand to get the sword out of his grasp. He isn't as strong as I thought. Close up his face is blotchy like he cried, he has a skinning body and unhealthy, pale skin. The more I try to compare myself with him the harder it is to kill him. 

The sword collides with his stomach, he doesn't respond. His eyes shut, his body is limp and lifeless. A cannon goes off. I hear beeping descending from the air. It's been a few hours and I have a sponsor already? 

This item has fallen in the trees. I run to it, ignoring Melanie in the corner. I am more focused on what I got for the sponsor gift. Does that make me self centered?

A trident, I was sent a golden trident. Through my eyes it looks like the most expensive and professionally built trident I've seen, my weapon. 

Finnick's Games - 65th Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now