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"Albany Maxx, welcome." Caesar and Albany sit down, and for some reason I find myself shaking with nerves. But why? I've done my interview. I immediately think that anything she says could affect me. "Your family has had a history in games, am I right?" 

"Yes, that's true." She admits. I never knew about this. "My grandfather died in the games, and so did my sister." No, I do remember that. Her twelve year old sister whose name I can't remember, she died during the bloodbath. Who could I not realize? That's why Mags was trying to comfort her the other day. That's why she is so determined.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Albany."

"Thank you, but it helps me." She sighs. She's playing the same game I was.

"Oh, why's that?" 

"Because I'm going to make my family proud. I'll try to win for my family."

"We are happy to hear that." Caesar smiles again. I tune out the rest of the interview and pace back and forward. 

How am I going to kill her? 

Do I have to kill her? She is determined to win the Hunger Games for her family, that means she will try and kill me, and I will do the same with her. I am Career, a secret weapon. 

"I think that went outstandingly, Caesar seems to like you Finnick, I told you he would. And just for a treat before, you know, we will stuff out faces with the Capitol's most expensive food, but you didn't hear that from me, my dear boy." Sidra tells me. My stomach feels queasy, I just need to sit down, rethink what I am doing. But food does sound good right now. Like Sidra always says, better enjoy it while it lasts.


"Did you watch my interview?" Albany questions, taking a seat next to me and messing up my hair. 

"I watched some of it." I say, it's not technically a lie. 

"Oh come on, I supported you and watched your interview."

"I was busy preparing." 

"Oh come on little kid, we're in the same district."

"I'm not a little kid and when did you get so cocky?" I retort. 

"Since I had the Capitol wrapped around my fingers..." She boasts. It might not last long. The Capitol are oblivious but not that oblivious. "I don't care if you hate me anymore. It's not like we'll be friends in the games." I hesitate to reply. She walks off into her room past Sidra who's attention is elsewhere.

No one has 'friends' in the games. No one cares. 

I've had my training with Mags and Albany didn't show up. Sidra told me it's normal for one tribute from each district to be distant, considering they might die. I am sticking with my method, act weak and they won't see it coming. Albany already believes I'm weak, a little boy. I don't want that though. It's hard not to try and prove myself. The Odair's always focus on reputation. 

 Sidra sighs, she is going to be with Albany before we go into the arena. I have a dark waterproof coat and tight, camouflaged pants. I'm worried there won't be a lot of rivers. If I keep to a river I can find food, water and shelter. The ocean is my weapon. I can set up traps, catch fish, and I can swim better than the other tributes. I guess being in district 4 is helpful in many ways. 

"Finnick, good luck, my dear." She pulls me into a hug. Sidra smells like the flowers my mother used to grow by our house. She gave up after a while, said that gardening was not for her. We had Frangipani blossoms in the stream next us. I could spend hours watching the water carrying the blossoms. I used to sit there with Annie. 

"Thank you," I tell her. 

"Now I must be going with Katherine. I'll see you on the other side, right?" Her eyes are teary, and now I feel guilty for thinking no one in the Capitol were capable of emotions. But every year she must say goodbye. It must be agony, like having a arrow through your stomach, knowing the pain will not fade away.

"Yes, goodbye Sidra." 

"Are you ready to go?" A peacekeeper grabs my arm with no warning. If I could see through that helmet I bet he excited about sending us to our deaths. 

We sit in the hovercraft. A woman comes around placing a traker in our arms. It stinngs to begin with but not for long. 


The journey is quick, too quick. I feel sick, queasy and my head is jerking from side to side. I'm not going to make it. 1/24. My chance is low. Remember my training, stay alive. 

Mags is with me right now, she doesn't say much, however I can almost understand her thoughts through the way she looks at me. I couldn't have asked for a better mentor. She's not a drunk, not a pompous ass, not too annoying.

"You'll be fine, you're Finnick aren't you?" She smiles gently. "Your fishhook as requested." She slips the fishhook into my hand and I tuck it into my pocket.

I enter the small, tube like lift, hearing my heart pounding like a drum. My life could vanish like setting paper on fire, in an instant.

The surface rises and I see less of Mags, what if I forget what she looks like or acts like before dying? I can't forget. Sun rays peek from the top, I haven't seen sunshine in a while. I haven't felt the fresh air against my skin or felt the water between my fingers.

Run to the cornucopia, run.  

There is a loud voice, but I mostly hear birds fluttering. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the light, there are tributes all around us. The cornucopia is in a middle of a field. That's all there is, a field. The trees are far away. So the tributes have an advantage when it comes to killing, not hiding. 


51 seconds to accept my fate.



Should I step off this pedestal and end it all? 


I don't listen to the countdown anymore. Instead I scan the area for Albany, she is directly next to Cyprus, five spaces away from me. If she's clever she'll start running in the opposite direction to the Careers. It's not worth risking her life. 







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