24-Another Dream?

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Anna's POV

I was walking down the street, on my way to Starbucks. I bumped into this guy. "Sorry" I said quickly. Then I saw his face. "Anna?" He asked. "Mac?" I replied. We smiled and hugged quickly. "How are you?" He asked. "I've been doing ok, how about you?" I answered. "Great! It's good to see you!" He smiled happily. I smiled back. Then Sam walked up behind me. "Hey An-" She stopped when she saw Mac.

They stood silent, staring at each other for a while. After about a minute, I broke the silence. "We'll see you later Mac." I smiled at him, grabbed Sam's hand and walked down the street.

I woke up and sat up. "Another precognitive dream." I said disappointingly to myself, putting my hand on my head. I checked my phone. 7am. I sighed and went downstairs to eat. As I was eating an apple, I was thinking about that dream. It was awfully similar to my last dream, but instead of running into Tinus, I ran into Mac. Weird. I finished my apple and went upstairs to wake up Sam. I knocked on her door. No answer. I slowly opened the door to see that she wasn't in her bed. "Sam?" I asked, starting to panic. "Yup." She groaned. It came from the side of her bed. I walk over to that side. She's half asleep on the floor! I started to laugh. "What are you doing?" I asked, giggling. "Hm?" She groaned again, sitting up and looking lost. "Oh, I guess I fell off my bed." She said. I giggled again. "You must've been really tired if you fell off your bed without waking up." I smiled. She nodded, laughing a little bit. I helped her up, then she went downstairs to eat. I walked back to my room to see that my phone was vibrating. I looked at it. An unknown number was calling me. I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked. "Hi Anna" the voice replied. "I'm sorry, who is this?" I asked. "You don't have my number anymore? It's Emily." She replied. My eyes widened. "Emily! What's up?" I said, surprised. "Nothing much, just getting ready for the boys' first concert here! They're on tonight and again in 2 days!" She exclaimed. "That's great." I said blankly. "How are things with Mac?" I asked. "I've been friendzoned. I still really like him, but he doesn't like me. Last night, he told me that he really liked Sam and he regrets not being able to express himself to her." She said sadly. "Oh, I'm sorry. Just keep trying. Maybe you should express to him then." I suggested. "I'm too nervous! Plus I can never find the right time. He's always busy with rehearsals or recording." She explained. "Don't give up." I said. "Thanks. I gotta go, they're on break from rehearsals. Bye!" She said. "Bye." I smiled to myself as I hung up. She hasn't changed at all. I laughed to myself. "Anna?" Sam was calling me. "Yeah?" I called back. "Wanna go to the mall?" She asked me. "Sure! Let me get dressed." I answered. "You're driving!" She called. "Um, no! You are!" I called back. She laughed. "Fine!" She said. I smiled as I was getting dressed. I ran downstairs and we left for the mall.

Sam's POV

I was driving with Anna to the mall. "Sam?" She asked. "What's up?" I said. "Can I talk to you?" She asked. I nodded. "I had a precognitive dream again. It was exactly like the last one, but I ran into Mac, and it played out differently. You came in this time. You and Mac were staring at each other until I pulled you away." I explained. "I think you should go to the therapist that your old one suggested to you." I suggested. "I guess I should. I'll call him when we get home." She sighed.


Hope you're enjoying this story! I'm going to be finishing it soon! Love ya!

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