21-New York

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Sam's POV

Just so that it's clear, that fight Anna and I had 2 years ago. It didn't end well.

You see, Anna and I didn't talk for a while after our fight. She ran off and didn't come home, so Dad called the police to look for her. They eventually found her, on the beach. She came home and stopped when she saw me. Her fists were clenched, her eyes were red, and she still looked pissed. I did, too, so I rolled my eyes, turned around and ran upstairs. Just to make Anna even angrier, I took the biggest bedroom. Since we have a bigger house now, we both can have our own bedrooms. She already had all her boxes in the biggest room, but since she ran away, I moved her boxes into the basement, which has a bedroom in it. It's a really small room. I sat down on the floor and listened, since my parents and Anna were yelling at each other. It felt good to hear Dad yell at Anna, she deserved it. She can't always run away from her problems.

Now, it's kinda weird between us. We hardly talk and when we do it's really awkward. And she ended up moving to the other bedroom upstairs, and Mom and Dad were in the basement. We got some work done down there so that the room wasn't so small.

Anyway, let's get back to present day. For the first time in a long time, Anna came downstairs to me and told me about her problem. That hasn't happened in a very very long time! I was kinda surprised when she ran over to me. She had a precognitive dream again, or she thinks it is. It's weird because she hasn't had one in years. It was about Tinus. I bet she's not over him. I knew she was gonna break down eventually. We finished talking and she ran back upstairs to her room. After that conversation, I wondered how the twins were doing, so I looked them up on Instagram. I saw their most recent photo. (This isn't actually their most recent photo.) It was a picture of them on a plane. They captioned it:

Can't wait to go to NY! We're excited for our first show there!

Oh. My. God! "Annaaaa!!!!" I screamed and ran upstairs to her room. I opened her door. She was crying on her bed. "What's wrong?" I asked. She shook her head. "Please don't say that you knew it...... but I really miss them." She whispered. I knew it! I didn't say it out loud, relax! "Me too." I replied. "But look at their most recent photo!" I said excitedly. I watched as she scrolled to the top of their profile to the photo. She read the caption. "Oh my god." She said blankly. "Oh my god." She repeated, a little more nervously. "They're singers now?!" She wiped away her tears and jumped off her bed. We sat at her desk and went onto her computer. She looked up their website. They were performing in Madison Square Garden, tomorrow! "I can't believe this!" We blurted out at the same time. We laughed a little after. "We have to go!" I practically yelled. "No! Are you crazy?!" She replied, looking at me like I had 3 heads. I looked back at her. "That would be so awkward! Imagine us going, and them seeing us in the crowd! They would be so thrown off that they would embarrass themselves live! Forget their lyrics, maybe even drop the mic or fall off the stage! And imagine how guilty we would feel! And how awkward that would be! I'm not going!" She yelled. "You're right. But they will be in town!" I said excitedly again! She shook her head and laughed. Then she nodded. "Yes they will." She smiled. Then her smile faded. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "I don't know if I'm ready to see them again. You know, if we do run into them." She said. "Everything will be fine. If you really don't want to see them, then just stay home while they're here. Make it seem like you have no life and no friends, and you have no plans for the Winter at all." I said sarcastically. She shook her head and laughed. "Exactly!" She said, really high-pitched. We both started laughing. "Let's go shopping! Take our minds off things!" I smiled. She nodded.

Emily's POV

I haven't really talked to Anna much since she moved. Whenever I tried she would say she's busy.

The boys and I went to the airport. We were flying out to New York for a concert. My parents let me go with them. We boarded the plane, then they asked me to take a picture of them for Instagram. So I did, and they posted it. Then the plane took off, and we were on our way to New York. I realized, Anna and Sam live in New York! Maybe we'll run into them! I knew that if i asked them to meet they wouldn't, but maybe I can set them up so that they do! I texted Sam.

Bold: Emily




The twins and I are coming to New York!

I know Anna and I just saw!

Does she wanna see them?

No! But I do!

I want them to see you too! Maybe we could set them up so that they run into you and Anna?

OMG yes! That's genius! Let's do it!

Great! But let's figure this out when we land. The wifi sucks on the plane.

Ok! Talk to you soon!

I'll call you! Bye!

I got Sam on board. Yes! I'm so excited to land now!


Again. I FINALLY UPDATED! I've been busy with schoolwork!! I'm so sorry!! Grade 7 here is really hard, especially when your teacher used to teach in 2 high schools! I'm not going to be able to update very often anymore, because of school. I'm really sorry but whenever I have time, I will definitely be writing!

Q: What do you think Sam and Emily are going to do?

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