22- Nothing

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Sam's POV

I get a call while I'm watching Netflix in my bedroom. I check my phone to see that it's Emily! "Emily?" I answered. "Hey Sam! We just landed and we got our bags! We're on our way to the hotel now!" Emily exclaims. "That's great! I'm so excited to see you and the boys! So what's the plan?" I asked her. "I'm not sure yet. We should have them meet somewhere that means a lot to them, but are there any places like that here?" She replied. "I'm not sure. I'll look. One second I'll call you back." I hung up and went to my laptop. I thought of some places that are important to Anna and/or Tinus. I spent a few minutes thinking of places, and I found nothing! Suddenly, Anna walked into the room and I quickly shut the laptop. "You good?" She asked me. I nodded, wide eyed. "I just needed the laptop charger." She said. I unplugged it and gave it to her. "I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow." Then she left. I opened my laptop again and called Emily. "I got nothing." I told her. "Same, and it's really hard to be secretive about this when the boys are constantly around me." She sighed. "See if you can get Tinus to mention anything. I'll do the same with Anna." I said. "I'll try. It's a touchy subject though." She said. "Let's give it a try." I insisted. Then she hung up. I sighed. How are we going to pull this off? I went to Anna's room and knocked on her door. I quietly opened it. She was laying in bed, on her phone. "What are you looking at?" I asked her. "Just old pictures of Tinus and I." She said, sounding upset. "I find it odd how every guy I've met and gone on dates with are nothing like Tinus. They were all rude, inappropriate little boys who just wanted to get in my pants!" She said angrily. I giggled. The way she said it was a little funny. She giggled too. "It's true!" She added, laughing. "But did any of them get into your pants?" I joked, laughing even more. She shook her head, laughing harder. "I miss him though. As much as I don't want to admit it, I really do. The last few years, I've been telling myself that he's out of my life now, and I need to move on, but in the back of my mind I think about how amazing he was when we were together and how much I miss him." She said sadly, wiping a tear from her cheek. I walked over to her bed and laid down next to her. "Do you ever think about Mac?" She asked me. "Sometimes. Some nights I'll lay in my bed, just thinking about how blind I was. I couldn't see how much Mac liked me until right before we left, when he told me. I still can't believe I was so blind and stupid. Like he asked me to the Spring Dance! How did I not realize that he had a huge crush on me if he asked me to the Spring Dance?!" I exclaimed. Anna giggled. "Did you like him back though?" She asked me. "As a friend yeah, but I couldn't see myself dating him or anything." I explained. She nodded. "What about you? Did you like Tinus before he told you he liked you?" I asked her. Now it's my turn to ask the questions! "Yeah I did. I liked him the first moment I saw him. I fell head over heels, without even realizing. I always wanted to talk to him, and I knew he wanted to talk to me, too. I would tell myself that he didn't like me and I didn't like him, because I refused to believe that anyone could ever love me. But then Tinus told me that he loved me, and that completely flipped my whole outlook on life upside down. I thought, 'I was wong, somebody does love me.'" She smiled to herself. "When he asked me to be his girlfriend at the Spring Dance, I was in complete shock that I didn't even let him finish his sentence! That's when I realized that I loved him. I stopped trying to convince myself that I didn't." She added. "I wish I could go back to that night sometimes. For the first time I felt happy then." She said, depressingly. "I'm tired. I'm going to go to sleep. Good night!" She said. "Night!" I smiled and walked to my bedroom. I think I might've got an idea! I called Emily.


HOW. LONG. HAS. IT. BEEN?! HEY I'M BACKKKKKK!!!! Sooooo sorry for not writing for months. I'm slowly getting back into writing regularly. It's been so long so you may have to read the previous chapter to remember what's going on lol that's what I had to do hahah. Hope you'll forgive me and continue to support this book! Love ya!❤️

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