15- Gang

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Anna's POV

I woke up the next morning, and it was pitch black! I couldn't move, it was like I was cemented into the ground!

Martinus's POV

I woke up on the couch and checked the time. 10 am. I went upstairs to Anna's room to wake her up. When I opened the door she wasn't there! I looked around the sides of her bed in case she fell off in the night, nothing! I ran to Sam's room and shook her and Marcus until they woke up. "Sam! Mac!" I repeated quickly as I was shaking them like a maniac. "What's wrong?" They both groaned. "Anna's gone! We need to find her!" I was on the verge of tears. Their eyes widened and they quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed. I did the same in the bathroom. We all went downstairs and looked around the house, in case she woke up early or something, and she was no where! We ran to the door and left, running down the street, I was taking the lead. Please nothing bad happened to her! We just ran down the street calling her name, until I heard someone scream. It sounded like a girl, maybe Anna! She screamed again. We ran after the sound, hoping to find the source. We turned the corner and found ourselves in front of the woods. Mac gasped. "This is where I asked Emily to the dance." He said sadly. Sam looked at him, very confused. Uh oh! I don't wanna be here if someone blows up! "Guys come on! We need to follow the screams!" I said, to prevent a fight from happening. There was another scream, we ran past the woods and down the street. There was one more scream, and it came out of a house. The house we were right in front of! I ran up to it and knocked on the door. A lady opened it. "Well hello! What can I do for you?" She said worriedly. Maybe she's scared from the screams. "We're looking for Anna Grant, and we heard screams coming from this house. We were wondering if she was here?" I asked, out of breath from all the running. "I heard the screams, too! They're coming from my backyard, I have no idea what Liam's doing out there!" She said. "Liam?!" Mac, sam and I all yelled at the same time. "Do you mind if we see him?" Sam asked urgently. Liam's mom nodded and guided them to the backyard. She looked terrified. "Liam is a very troubled kid, you have no idea when he's going to burst out of anger!" She explained as we walked to the back. When she opened the back door we stopped. There was a small wooden shack. We slowly walked to it. I could hear banging, sounds like Liam is hitting someone! I put my hand on the door handle and looked to Mac & Sam. Mac put his hand on the other handle (They were double-doors). Both he and Sam nodded and Mac & I opened the doors quickly. As we opened it we saw Liam holding a metal bat above his head, ready to strike, and a girl tied to a chair! "Anna?" I called. Liam turned to me, grinning evilly. "Wrong." He said. I looked over to the chair and saw Emily! Mac's eyes widened and he looked as if he was going to cry! "You saw nothing!" Liam grinned and swung the bat at me! I ducked, making him miss and hit Sam! I think Liam's mom saw Sam get knocked out, because I could hear her gasp and dragging Sam out of the shed! "Young man, what do you think you're doing?!" She screamed at Liam. He sunk low and dropped the bat. "Untie this girl now!" His mom ordered. Liam went to untie Emily, who's eyes were bloodshot from crying, had a bloody nose, and bruises all over her arms and face! She got untied and ran to Mac, who hugged her, crying. Liam's mom took Liam by the ear and dragged him inside. Something tells me that she usually is too scared to yell at him like that! I turned to Emily, who let go of Mac, still crying. "What happened?!" I asked her as we walked away from Liam's house after Sam woke up. "Sometimes I like to take a walk around the block in the mornings, so I did at like 7, and then Liam tripped me as I walked by his house and I face planted, then Liam pulled me up and dragged me to his backyard! He was holding onto me so tight I could hardly breathe, nor move!" She explained. "Wow! Did you see Anna at all?" Mac asked. Emily shook her head. "Why? Is she lost?" She asked. "We can't find her." I answered. Then someone's phone went off. "Someone texted me." Sam said, pulling her phone out of her pocket. She opened her phone and her eyes widened. "What?" Mac, Emily and I said in unison. "It's Anna! She texted me!" Sam exclaimed. We all looked at the text.

Help me! (random address)

"She told us where she is! Let's go!" I yelled. We started to run down the street to the address. When we got there, we saw a really small house, it looked very mysterious! We all exchanged nervous glances and walked up to the house. Emily rang the doorbell as a man opened the door. He looked very dirty and out of breath. He had a leather jacket on. He looked very intimidating! I opened my mouth to say something, but he grabbed me and pulled me inside, leaving the others outside! He held me close to his side! "You're Anna's boy." He said. "Yes I am." I said nervously. "It wasn't a question, I didn't need an answer." he said intimidatingly. He threw me into an empty room and grabbed 2 chairs from outside. He brought them in and closed the door. He gave me a chair to sit it and he sat in the other one. "What's your name?"He asked. "Martinus" I said, my voice shaking. "Martinus." He repeated. "Anna was taken here. By my gang. I had no part in it. In fact, I was completely against it." He sighed. "I need to stay in this gang for money, I was homeless before I joined it. I couldn't get a job, no place would accept me. This gang provides me with housing, which is this place, and money. If I tried to stop them from taking Anna and hurting her, I would be kicked out of the gang, and right now I need to be in the gang." He explained. "Where's Anna now? What are they doing to her?" I started freaking out a bit. "Anna's here. She's in the basement, also known as 'The Torture Chamber'. They're abusing her, and I can't help her because they locked me out and told me to stand guard up here." As he said that, there was a bang outside of the room. I bet Mac knocked the front door down! And I was right, he came running into this room. "Let him go!" He yelled. I explained to him that this man wants to help Anna, but can't, and about the gang and stuff. "Oh. So you're safe?" he asked me. I nodded and we smiled at each other. "I'll be waiting outside then." He said awkwardly and scratched the back of his head as he left. When he closed the door to the room I started giggling. The man smiled. "Anyways, I'm Anna's uncle, Scott." He said. "You can get Anna out of there. I can bang on the locked door and tell them that there was an intrusion, and when they open the door, you can run in and get Anna." He explained. I nodded and we went to do it. Scott banged on the door and men opened it. I ran through the door as fast as I could, untying Anna from a chair. She looked like Emily: bruised and bloody. I was trying to untie her hand when I heard a gunshot! Anna slumped down in her chair, lifeless!

Sad chapter😢 I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a while! I keep saying I'll update more and I never do and I'm sorry for that! I love you all so much tho! I wrote a chapter ahead so I have the next chapter ready for updating, I'll prob upload it tomorrow or sometime next week! Love ya!🖤

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