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2 days until war


I looked down at Tess as she slept peacefully on my lap.

"You care for her don't you son?" I looked up at Sully.

"I do actually." I said softly as I ran my fingers through her short hair.

"You know? That hair suits her." Sully looked down at Tess and chuckled a bit.

"It does. When she came to me I was shocked. She looked so beautiful." I sighed.

Sully leaned over and put his hand on my back. "I hope you two make it. I can tell that your very happy. Just make sure that when you come to my house don–"

"Sully stop no!" We both started laughing. Tess stirred in her sleep.

"I'm really gonna miss you son." I looked at Sully and sighed.

"Sully don't talk like that you're gonna make it." I said sternly.

"Justin I am too old for this. I–"

"Sully!" I yelled. He clammed his mouth shut.

"I'm sorry kid." He sighed.

Tess fluttered her eyes on open and sat up. "Is everything okay?" She asked sleepy.

"Yea." I looked up at Sully. "Everything's fine."



I stared at Justin in awe as he slept peacefully. His face was so angelic that I just couldn't help myself.

It's crazy on how far we've come just from all the stuff with Rachel, the bar, just period and I know for a fact that I'm gonna miss that.

I pray to God that we win this war and that we make it. If not, there better be a shortcut. I will put the both us of in the back of the line just so we could run away. Just run away from all of this.

Why did I really join the war? Is or because I was tired of living the sake fatherless life. Was it because I just wanted to die just like my father did and let her mourn for the both of us? That would just lead her to a heartbreaking death.

Is it because I just wanted someone to love? Someone to care for me? To actually live life? If that was the case I should've just went home when I had the chance.

But I did find love. It might not have been the one I was looking for but I did find it.

And it about to fall.


I look to the left and right of us.


Now I was scared. I woke Justin up quickly.

"Tess what's going on?" He asked panicking.

"I don't know!?" I screamed. Then another one came.

"We have to get out of here kids!" Sully yelled.

Justin looked outside the window. "We're okay!" Justin yelled.

"Calm down they're just testing." Now I was mad.

"We're on the verge of war and they're testing!?" I yelled.

Justin tried calming me down. "Babe chill out."

Justin put his hand over my mouth. I locked his hand but his hand still wouldn't budge.

Justin looked at me with an amused look on his face. "It's so crazy how you came from this mysterious girl to this baby." Justin winked.

"Uh oh." I heard Sully say.

I screamed and tried to yell at him but all of my words we're muffled. They started laughing at my outburst and I glared at Sully.

Sully immediately stopped laughing. I kicked Justin in his leg. He squealed and his hand became loose.

"Jeez what do you have on? Heels?" Justin rubbed his leg.

"Nope their the exact same shoes you have on." I said with a smile.

See moments like these last for a lifetime. Just forget about the 'what ifs' and just live life.

Even if it doesn't last long


I've been consistent! Claps for me! This was bad wasn't it? Short i know but was it bad? I loved writing the end of this book. It's good isn't it? I've written the rest of the chapters so I'll post another one later on maybe two... should I do two? Then I'll post the rest tomorrow.

So get your tissues ready because it's going to be sad 😭 love you babies!!

*not proofread*

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