As they exited the villa for what was to be the last time for Shiera, she couldn't help but feel empty. She had no real memories inside the large residence, and the family had rented many of its rooms to travelers to make most of their money. The only thing she would miss about the Villa would be Melisya, her one, and only friend.

Melisya gave her a hug, acceptable now that her chains were freed. "I hope life treats you well," she smiled sweetly, holding onto Shiera's small shoulders.

Shiera smiled, feeling heat move to her nose and her eyes well up. "You too."

Melisya rolled her eyes. "You are to marry a Prince! I think we know who the Goddess gave her kisses to."

Shiera rolled her eyes, "if it is places you want to trade, I beg you let us."

Melisya, with her dark hair and stark blue eyes scoffed. "We'll wait until I am eight and ten with grey hair and pray my eyes suddenly differ in colour, right?"

Shiera nodded her head eagerly. "Perfect!" She exclaimed. Their bittersweet farewell was cut short by Shiera's other older brother, Valaar, clearing his throat.

"My men are growing restless, the sun stays up for half the day you know?" He joked. Shiera looked up at her brother playfully and shook her head, indicating her clothing trunk, and he lifted it up with ease and led the way to the docks. Drazenko in all his excellence had arranged for most things to be taken to the ship. With one last look and wave to Melisya, Shiera followed him. "I can't believe they're making you do this," Valaar whispered, careful not to talk too loudly.

Shiera shook her head. "You'll be there with me, every step of the way."


"Lar," Shiera said, stopping in her tracks behind him. "How bad can this Prince possibly be?" She asked him. She had pondered the idea for a while, and couldn't really complain. Her other option was to wait for another suitor to come along, which she knew the chances were slim, or marry her brother, and it wouldn't be Valaar. Her sweet Valaar stood no chance against Drazenko when it came to competition.

Valaar ignored her statement and kept walking, quickening his pace. "Shut up," he warned.

"I mean, he's going to be the King of Seven Kingdoms! That's better than the head of a bank or – no offense – a sailor," Shiera honestly blurted. In fact, she was growing giddy at the fact that she was going to meet a whole Prince.

Valaar turned to glare at his sister, the trunk slipping from his right hand and leaving a painful bloodless scratch on his palm. He held his tongue, not wanting to lash out in a state of anger. "Is your main objective to torture me?"

Shiera slowed down her walking to be a few paces behind Valaar. "No," she muttered. The smell of the sea, sweat, and wine drifted to her nose and she held her hand over it. "Oh gods," Shiera exclaimed, keeping herself from gagging. How the hell will I manage half a moon?

She followed her brother as he led her to a large ship, with her families sigil, Truth, the families Valyrian Steel which was once carried by Moredo Rogare, in front of a golden background. A ship next to theirs had the sigil of a black stag on a bright yellow background.

"Our one is called Goddess of the Seas, theirs," Valaar said, pointing, "is called Windproud." He scoffed.

Shiera rolled her eyes, following him to the steps of their ship. "It's not a competition Valaar. Just get us their alive and I will kiss your feet." She exaggerated, watching as he dropped her trunk with a grunt on the floor.

"Don't be dramatic, I've sailed this beauty half my life and she is yet to fail me." Shiera frowned, looking around the ship. Apart from a few crewmen, they were completely alone. "Mother is below deck, resting. You should go an join her before we leave. It's hard for first timers."

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