Chapter Three

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      The crowds went wild as fireworks shot though the sky of the Dark Kingdom. The tournament had begun.  Eve's heart raced at the thought of Dusk getting hurt or worse, killed.
      Meanwhile, Dusk was picking out his armor below the arena. He chose black armor along with a helmet that covered most of his face and he picked up the first sword he saw.

 He chose black armor along with a helmet that covered most of his face and he picked up the first sword he saw

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All of a sudden the horn blew, signaling that it was time for him to walk out onto the arena, and meet his opponent

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All of a sudden the horn blew, signaling that it was time for him to walk out onto the arena, and meet his opponent.  Dusk slowly walked out, and into the arena, gathering his courage with each step he took.
      'What did I get myself into?' Dusk asked himself.  As soon as Dusk stepped into the arena, Eve knew it was him.  A faint smile crept upon her face.  The Emperor look strangely at Eve.
      "Eve, are you alright?" The Emperor asked.  She looked at him and nodded.  On the opposite side of the arena, a large door began to open slowly showing his opponent.  Dusk's eyes went wide when he saw not just a man, but a monster.  He had mostly gray armor along with a helmet, much different than his.

  He had mostly gray armor along with a helmet, much different than his

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Dusk clutches his sword, waiting for the fight to start.  He looked at his opponent, and realized that there was a place where his armor didn't cover.  Dusk leaned to the side getting a better look. On the side of his opponents neck, there was a spot where the helmet seemed to have a tear.  All of a sudden, the horn blew, and just like that, Dusk ran toward his opponent.  His opponent did the same, and Dusk's heart raced faster and faster.  Dusk lifted his sword high into the air, getting ready to hit the competitor, and soon ran behind him, where he saw what seemed like a tear.  His opponent quickly swung around, and blocked the attack.  Their swords clashed together.  Dusk and his opponent did not let their sword go away from the other sword, for then one would be hit. Dusk did not want to stay there for the rest of the time, and being weaker than his competitor, he wouldn't stand a chance, and would surely be in critical condition.  He did not want that.  Dusk took a deep breath, moved his sword, and swerved out of the way, having his opponent's sword cut Dusk's arm.  Dusk winced in pain.  He stood up, and flew up in the air.  His opponent did not follow him.  Once high enough, Dusk stopped ascending into the air, and descended at a high rate of speed.  He brought his sword into position, and then swung at his opponent, who blocked the attack once again.  However, this time, due to Dusk's attack, it caused a shockwave, and it shook the stadium.  Both competitor's swords shattered.  They were unusable now.  Dusk's opponent was angered at this, and knocked his elbow on Dusk's head, causing him to fall to the ground.  Dusk was not yet knocked out. However, he was in extreme pain.  Dusk tried to stand, but was kicked, over and over again.  As his opponent kept on beating Dusk, he drew out a hidden knife, and sliced him.  However, he was not killing him.  He was torturing him.  Dusk could not give up, but it was getting harder and harder to stay conscious. Suddenly, out of nowhere, before he was going to give up, he heard a voice.
      "Don't give up now! I believe in you!" Eve shouted into the arena.  Dusk faintly smiled. His opponent was about to drive the knife deep in Dusk's abdomen, but Dusk kicked his opponent and jumped up, grabbing the knife.  Dusk cut the armor on his competitor's legs, and cut the exposed parts.  His opponent fell to the ground, writhing in pain.  Dusk continued to cut his opponent in the parts that were exposed.  Then, Dusk suddenly stopped.
      "Go on. Kill me." His opponent groaned in pain.
      "No." Dusk responded, "No one dies today." His competitor's eyes widened, and teared up.  The crowd when silent, then cheered.  Eve smiled.
      "Thank you. Thank you." His opponent took off his helmet, and smiled.  Dusk realized who he was.  His competitor was a husband, and a father of two kids.  While he was getting ready, he overheard the man, without his armor, talking to his family.  They were poor, and hungry.  Dusk's opponent did it for his family, to get the money to give his family a better life.  Dusk looked at his opponent as he was brought into the infirmary.  As the man was taken away, Dusk handed him the money that he was given, and gratefully took it, and thanked him.  Dusk smiled and headed back to the door that led under the arena.  However, as he walked, a pain suddenly shot through his leg, and he toppled over, landing on his head.  The impact caused Dusk's helmet to fly off. They crowd went silent.

Hello everyone I'm back! Sorry I didn't update in awhile.  Many apologies to you all.  Keep on reading!!

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