Chapter Two

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      Meanwhile, Princess Dawn of the Light Kingdom was sitting on the castle rooftops, like she normally does every morning.  She was looking down at the fish in the sparkling pond, when suddenly, her hand slipped.  She was falling toward the pond with the wind rushing through her golden hair.  She expected to catch herself, and fly to her balcony before she hit the water.  However, just as she was about to open her eyes, someone caught her. 
      "You have to stop doing that." Ray scolded, flying her to the outer edge of the pond.
      "Doing what exactly?" Dawn asked stretching her wings.
      "You have to stop jumping off your balcony and..." Ray started, but was interrupted.
     "Well this time, I jumped of the roof, and I was planning to catch myself.  I have wings you know." Dawn argued.
      "I barely caught you this time." Ray said.  Dawn rolled her eyes and flew up to her balcony.
     "Hey, what about my thank you?" Ray questioned.
     "Thank you once again, Ray." Dawn smiled.  Ray wasn't royalty but a commoner.  He grew up in a very poor family, and today, was still very poor.
      "Princess Dawn, your Aunt wishes to have you attend breakfast." Called a voice from outside her bedroom door.
      "I'll be right down." Dawn replied.  She quickly slipped on her gown and made her way to the table.
      "Come sit down dear." The queen said, and so Dawn sat down as quickly as her dress enabled her to.
      "Aunt Lydia, what did you want to speak to me about?" Dawn asked.
      "We have been invited to a Ball being held in the Dark Kingdom!" The Queen said holding up the invitation.
      "What! Aren't we still at war?" Dawn suddenly blurted out.
      "Yes, but the Emperor displayed the Ball as a sign of peace! Isn't that exiting!" The Queen said.  Dawn just look at her Aunt in shock.  "Why don't you pick out a dress, I ordered a ton because I wasn't sure which one you would prefer." The Queen said taking a sip of her tea. 
      "This is going to be a long day." Dawn  mumbled.

Hello dear readers!  I hope you are all having a good day.  It's raining really hard were I am, so I thought it would be a good time to update the story.  I also hope you are enjoying the story!  Bye!!!

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