Chapter One

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      "Once upon a time, in the dark kingdom, there lived the most beautiful, most fair maiden in the land, Eve.  She was, like a princess, kind hearted and sweet.  Also, at her side, was her lover..."
      "In your dreams pretty boy." A dark angel, Eve, said and sighed in annoyance watching him from her balcony.  Dusk, the dark angel that spoke before Eve, swooned and fell to the ground, all because Eve said 'pretty boy'. Eve leaned and looked over the edge of the balcony.  Sprawled out on the ground, was Dusk.  Eve rolled her eyes and flew down to the dark angel. She signed and commanded, "Get up." Eve grabbed Dusk's arm and pulled him up.  Eve started to walk away when he grabbed her arm.  She pulled away and turned to him with her arms crossed.
      "What?" She asked in annoyance.
      "Well," he pulled a piece of wrinkled paper out of his pick and showed it to Eve.  It was a notification that the Midnight Tournament was looking for participants.
      "Can you help me train?" Dusk asked not to sure she was going to say yes.
      "Sure," Eve shrugged.  "But one, what was all that before? The me being like a princess.  Second... did the Emperor allow you to enter?"
      "First, I just wanted to tell you that, and second, well, that's a long story." Dusk said scratching the back of his head, "I didn't tell my father anything".
      "What! Why?! You know your not allowed to keep secrets." Eve said raising her voice just a touch.
     "You and I both know he'll say no because that night a ball will be held in the palace and he doesn't want me to look..." Dusk started saying but was quickly interrupted by Eve.
      "Yeah I heard, and apparently I have to go too, even though I'm no I'm the royal family." Eve sighed.
      "That's true but my family, well my father raised you after you were brought here." Dusk said.  Eve started to walk toward the woods again and this time Dusk followed.
      "I heard the Light Kingdom will be there." Eve said.   Suddenly out of nowhere, Dusk grabs Eve's wrist once again running into the woods to practice for the tournament.

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