Chapter:4 I just want...

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A/N:I don't own gravity falls or any of the characters.Sorry for such along wait I've been busy with the start up of school so anyways on to the story.

Mabel's P.O.V


"Mabel are you okay?"Grunkle Stan exclaimed when he came running in my room.He was also holding a bat,how reassuring.

"Y-yeah I'm fine I just had a nightmare"I said trying to convince him and myself I was fine.

"Okay well I'm going back downstairs the ducktive marathon is still going on just a few more till the secret episode."He replied,then he left.

I looked over to see if dipper was there...well of coarse he isn't there I just screamed at the top of my lungs he would've heard and rushed over to me and asked if I were all right.I looked at my kitty clock and it was 10:21pm.I was gonna go back to bed and that's when it hit stupid nightmare.I-I don't ever want that to happen to dipper and me.But I'm in love him,I just can't forgot him and I how I feel.

Arghhh I just wish i could leave this place or better yet I want to go somewhere dipper is but he'll love me back and we won't care about what others say or think!People won't make rumors about me or dipper cause they'll be to scared to!And I would be strong,powerful,smart,pretty and I wouldn't be so silly!!People don't take me seriously anymore because I'm so silly!Now that sounds like my kinda world.But what if I could go to my world all I have to do I could look up some spells that grants my wishes,but I don't think that would work.Unless I get dippers journal.Then I could summon Bill,but I don't think he could do anything about it cuz he's only a dream demond but this is my dream!Ok so where would he put his journal??

Bills P.O.V

Back to gravity Falls if I'm not correct shooting star should be looking for away to summon me...but I can't wait forever I'll just go to her.I flew to the Mystery Shack and there she was looking around for the journal,I believe.

"Ahahahaha you looking for me"I asked tipping my hat.

"Umm...I..uh"she looked scared of me,this is great I could control her with fear,she'll be my puppet.

"What would you like me to do for you?"I asked her coming ever so close.

"How did you know I was looking for you?"she asked backing up to the wall.

"As I have said before I'm always watching".I told her.

"Oh....Um well I want you to make a world for me and for me only!"She said demandingly.

"I can't make a world for you..but I could however transport you to another dimension." I said turning my back on her.

"O-ok then I want you to take me!"She demanded ,not letting one tear slip from her ever so innocent face.

"Alrighty,but I'm telling you now there's no going back."I said turning to face her.

"..."She looked hesitant about it but I can't let her think twice.

"I know why you want to leave...they all treat you like nothing,always saying stuff that's not true,and you just want them to like you,right?"I asked her,and looked her dead in the eyes.

"I just want..."She said hesitating.

"All you have to do is let go"I then opened up the way to go to Reverse Falls.

"I-I'm ready,I'm so sick of this place and I won't miss nothing or nobody!"She replied with anger.

This is perfect is all I could think until...

Dippers P.O.V

I'm so tired I biked so fast over here I'm late but whatever I just need to wake up Mabel and tell her I'm in love with her then I'll kiss her.Stan was fast asleep with a pit cola in his hand and the remote in the other hand and the t.v is still on but the marathon has ended.I went up stairs quietly,I heard someone talking to Mabel.The door was closed so I leaned towards the door and put my ear against it.

"I-I'm ready,Im so sick of this place and I won't miss nothing or nobody!"Mabel said sounding really angry.

Wait is Mabel running away?No I can't let her!I burst threw the door and saw her talking to Bill and there was a portal in our room.

"B-Bill?!"is all I could say I couldn't believe it.

"Dipper?"mabel asked backing away from where I was.

"It's the pine tree,well say goodbye shooting star."He said looking at her.

"Bye dipper"she said,walking into the portal.Her bangs were covering her eyes so I could see her but I did see a tear escape her eye.

"Mabel wait no"!!!I tried to get her back but she was already inside the portal.I tried to get into the portal but bill zapped me and I feel onto my bed.I couldn't move at all I felt sleepy,but I had to keep my eyes open.

"She won't be coming back"He said going into the portal to.Then the portal vanished.

"I-I just want to say I love you".I said before letting the darkness consume me.

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