Chapter:3 Accidents Happen Right?

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A/N:I don't own Gravity Falls or any of the characters.When Mabel says the incantation it is really Latin not gibberish.One more thing in the beginning of Who Are You,its Dipper Pines and Mabel Pines but in this chapter it's the Gleeful twins.I just wanted to say in case some of you got confused.On to the story.

Chapter:3 Accidents happen,right?

Bill Ciphers P.O.V

Ahahaha my plan is working!This is great!Now that I'm entering her dreams the shooting star is believing that the pine tree hates her it's just.....GREAT!But now I need to trick her to coming with me to Reverse Falls.Hmmm....but first I need to get rid of the dark star.How am I gonna do that?If I knew it would be this hard and not to mention time is of the essences.Well....maybe our little dark star will have an 'accident'....a magic 'accident'.Hmmm yeah that'll work...but then again she is pretty useful,no I need to get rid of her now!Time to go to Reverse Fall!

Mabel Gleefuls P.O.V

Gahh where in the hell is Dipper?!I need the journal if I'm gonna try this!Only if we could find the other ones,this wouldn't be happening.I'm just gonna call him,so I pulled my phone out and dialed.

"Hello?"dipper asked he's such an idiot sometimes!

"Dipper where in the hell are you?I need to barrow the journal!"I said coldly.

"Oh hi Mabel,I told you I was gonna look for the other journals I asked if you wanted to come but you shrugged me off."He said in a monotonous voice.

"Oh yeah I forgot anyways hurry up and get your butt over here!"I yelled the last part and hung up.

While he's looking for the book I need to practice my alchemy skills if I want this to happen.So I need my alchemy X book.I ran up stairs into my room shuffling papers around to find my book it wasn't here?!Dipper!He must have tooken it.I moved over to his side of the room neat as always I rolled my eyes.Hmm...wait!No it can't be?!Its the page of the journal I need!Yes now I could finally exceed bill!I could have the power...well I could share with dipper?Well a queen needs a king.This is great!Now I need my alchemyX book.Where would dipper put it after he finished reading it most likely it would be under his pillow.So I moved onto his bed and moved his stupid pillow...and...its not there!Ugh stupid dipper!I covered my face with my hands and leaned against the wall and thought what could I remember from my alchemy book,but all I could remember was few things.THIS IS POINTLESS!I need the advanced set up and circles!Well it wouldn't hurt to try,I do however remember the life and creation symbols and the death and destruction symbols.Plus I need to hurry before Bill deCIPHERs my plan.Hehe I wish dipper was here so he could laugh at my hilarious pun.Back on the subject from what I remember I think I need to go to a room where the light won't find me.So I'll go to the basement that's the place I guess.Oh whatever I better get going.I jumped off of dippers bed and ran down stairs to the living room closed the curtains and ran down to the basement I closed and locked the door behind me.

I'm pretty sure I drew the right circles and signs.That seemed pretty easy,one more step towards power!Ok now for what I'll give up,i really don't like alchemy because in order to get what I want I need to give something of my own.But using alchemy is what I need to gain the power.Grr alchemy is so idiotic,theres a reason I keep stuff and that's because I like my stuff or else why would I keep it.Hmm..what in the hell should I give up?When I'm queen I'm gonna need a crown,so I don't need this silly head band.Yeah I'll just sacrifice my head band.I'm finally ready and once I say the words there's no going back!I clapped my hands and put them on the circle.Now for the incantation:

"Et ego in te regna aperuerit mihi nunc tibi vis dimittere potestatem!"I could feel so much power surge through my body!

"YOU THERE!!"a angered voice said.I was in a dark place by myself but there was a white big door opening slowly.

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