0.5) The aftermath

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Nobody wants to think they have a dark side to themselves, a part that is willing to kill someone. No matter what that person had done, but then if you think about it, is it justified? Tom Riddle was destined for so many terrible things, and the man felt no emotions. But then, he was crying. The only emotion he supposedly felt was anger. Athena knew that if Tom survived, she would be killed.

Abraxas Malfoy wandered the long corridors of Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry. His foot steps patting lightly against the stone flooring, his cloak flying aesthetically behind him. Flying with every step the 'great' Malfoy took. His usual smirk placed firmly on his face as his white hair flowed with a dramatic manner. As he got nearer to the corridor his master was patrolling he heard the faint whimpers of pain. Curious, the boy stepped into the corridor. On the floor, horribly contorted it almost looked like he'd been hit by a cruiatious curse but surrounded in his own blood, laid Tom Marvolo Riddle. Better known as the Dark Lord. Abraxas' mouth dropped as he rushed over to help his lord. He'd never seen Tom hurt, let alone almost dead and beyond recognition. The young man called out for help, and came running where the headmaster Dippet, Professor Dumbledore, and Professor Slughorn. "My God, who is that?" The headmaster inquired, shock written on the old mans face.

"It is Tom, sir. He's losing too much blood." Abraxas Malfoy spoke, his face as pale as his white hair. The colour drained from his face, shock and slight bewilderment on his now pale face.

"Great Merlin, Tom my boy! We must get him to the hospital wing." Horace Slughorn said, raising his wand to higher the dying boy. Dumbledore looked on, he knew this magic was not something already created. Meaning one thing, his daughter is responsible. How could she do this to her mate? Maybe everything Tom Riddle had done in the future was just too much for his daughter.

News spread around quickly that Hogwarts prefect and most desirable wizard was attacked, and almost dead in the hospital wing. Many people left him many flowers, chocolates and other pointless knickknacks Tom had no use for and no desire for. He woke early hours of the morning, his mind plagued with the words Athena Dumbledore spat at him as she attempted to murder him. How did she know these things about him? And why did he have no desire to murder her? Instead he wished she was here, holding his hand. Slowly, thinking about the brunette beauty Tom riddle fell into a dreamless sleep. 

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