0.5) Normal day at Hogwarts

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Stood in front of Athena was her father and Professor Dippet, her father's predecessor

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Stood in front of Athena was her father and Professor Dippet, her father's predecessor. She never liked Professor Dippet, she found him close minded and rather pompous. But then, she had only met him toward the end of his life. And she was only 13 when they had met. "So let me get this straight, you're here to stop our star student from becoming a mass murder?" Dippet asked her.

"I suppose so, I mean I don't know what I'm supposed to do. But I will do my best." She replied reluctantly. She was only staying because she missed her father, and there wasn't much for her back in 2017. Ron will get with Hermione, and Harry will be with Ginny. But her, she didn't have anyone.

"Let's get her sorted shall we?" Dumbledore spoke up noticing his daughters tense state from the line of questioning she was facing. Dippet nodded curtly to Dumbledore who the fetched the sorting hat. He placed the hat on his daughters hat.

' Peculiar, very peculiar. Now Gryffendor would be a nice fit, so would ravenclaw. You're too sneaky for Gryffendor and Ravenclaw. Too dependent to be Hufflepuff. Hmm' the hat spoke in her head. "Slytherin!" It screamed, exactly like it did on her first day.

"Well done my dear, welcome to Hogwarts. " dippet said to her. Giving her a small smile.

"Yeah, right. Bye now." She said and left quickly. She didn't want a conversation with them for any longer so she quickly left. It was hard to be round her dad, as he didn't know what she had endured without him.
She started to wonder down the corridors of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and wizardry, still wearing her tattered clothing from the war- that for her was only a few hours ago. But for everyone else it was apart of the unknown future. Tom Riddle had unfortunately been walking down the very corridor, doing his prefect duties. "You." He called as he reached her. "State  your business." He spat. He wanted to intimidate her, he did not like to be overpowered and did not want this new woman to think she was better then him.

"None of your god damn business is it? Stay away from me Riddle. I will not hesitate to end the Gaunt line." She spat. 'How the hell did she know?' Tom screamed in his head.

"You filthy little mudblood." He spat angrily at her, absolutely shocked. And the only way he could express this was through anger. His new emotions confused him terribly.

"Sectum Sempra!" She cursed. The spell wouldn't be created for a while yet so she knew he wouldn't have a counter curse. So maybe he'd die? That thought made her sick. She didn't know why she didn't want him to die. But it was for the greater good. "Look around tom. You lay here, dying. No one to hold your hand and tell you its going to be okay. You don't deserve it. You've already killed Myrtle and your biological family. You disgust me. Now. You're going to lay here and die all alone. With no one. Like its always been." She spoke as Tom writhed in pain on the hard concrete ground. The candle light making it hard to see the scene ahead. But one thing that Athena could see was the clear tears running down Tom Riddles cheeks. As he lay, dying on the ground. As he began to get weaker the girl pulled herself away, and fled the scene. Feeling guilty.

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