chapter 2- "Waking Up"

Start from the beginning

~*Chi’s P.O.V.*~ (Flashback)

I was thrown into a dark room by a woman that reeked of alcohol and wore what I would call a poor excuse for clothing. When I hit the floor I heard a soft squeak that sounded like a frightened cry from a child. *Hello?* I called, *is there anybody in here?* all remained quiet for a minute before I heard a slight rustling sound from the corner of the room. *Hello?* I asked once again, *If you’re scared, you don’t have to worry I won’t eat you.* I waited a minute before a small figure came from out of the corner. A small girl walked towards me cautiously.

“Who are you?” the girl asked, “did mommy send you in here to hurt me?”

“What? No, my name is Chi Shikabane. And I promise I’m not here to hurt you. I don’t even know why I was thrown in here.”

The girl cocked her head to the side and asked, “What does your name mean? Is it not English?”

I shook my head, “No my name is not English. It is Japanese, and it means blood corpse.”  

The girl pursed her lips with her head still tilted at an angle, “What does corpse mean?”

At first I was cautious to answer but did it anyway, “corpse means a dead body.”

The girl slowly crawled over towards me and poked my soft plush cheek. “Chi am I just stupid or are you still alive? I mean your breathing and all that stuff, right?” the girl asked, “So why are you called a dead body if you are still alive?”

I was shocked, complete and utterly shocked. No one before had ever questioned about my name. Not what my name was, what it meant, or even why I was called a blood corpse. And without my realizing tears started to fill my eyes and my bottom lip started to quiver.

“What’s wrong chi?” the girl asked as she reached her hand out to me, “Why are your eyes leaking?” slowly I grasped the girls hand as more tears found their way down my face. My bloody red button eyes stared into the girls as I explained how I had gotten my name.

*(Chi’s story of how he got his name)*

*(You see I was never a regular human; i had lived in feudal japan during the time of the samurai. And I was just one of those blood thirsty maniacs that swung my blade around like it was a twig, not caring who got cut. That was until one day, after a long and hard battle I was at the end of my rope, blood dripping from all the cuts that covered my body, and most of my physical strength had been wasted in the battle I was just in. and at that moment I realized

‘I was going to die. I was going to go to hell for all the sins I had committed, and for all the lives I had taken. ‘But right at that moment, the moment I thought I was just gonna die from blood lose. My angel appeared out of nowhere.

A woman with rich brown hair and clear pupil-less eyes, wearing a light pink kimono with purple butterfly’s sewn on it. That woman’s name was Emiko; she saved my life and gave me a name besides demon and murderer. She named me chi Shikabane, blood corpse. Of course it’s not the most pleasant name but it was the greatest name I had been called in such a long time. And when I had asked Emiko why she called me a blood corpse, she told me it was because when she first set eyes on me I looked like a dead body just made of blood, looking ready to puddle into the ground.)*

*(Story is finished)*

The girl continues to stare at me, “Chi, you really don’t look like blood or a dead body, so why did you keep that name?” I sighed thinking of Emiko always choked me up.

“Because… it was the first name I was ever given. It was given to me by the woman I loved so I could never part with that name. Besides,” I smiled, “I like the name, it sounds cool.” The girl smiled as well

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